ANS-182 AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins

In this edition:

* Firefly Aerospace’s Alpha “Noise of Summer” Mission Rescheduled
* Curium One Satellite Set to Test SatNOGS-COMMS Transceiver
* SpaceX Falcon Heavy Successfully Launches GOES-U Satellite
* GridMasterMap Satellite Top 100 Rovers July 2024 Rankings
* Changes to AMSAT-NA TLE Distribution for June 28, 2024
* ARISS News
* Upcoming Satellite Operations
* AMSAT Ambassador Activities
* Satellite Shorts From All Over

The AMSAT News Service bulletins are a free, weekly news and information service of AMSAT, the Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation. ANS publishes news related to Amateur Radio in Space including reports on the activities of a worldwide group of Amateur Radio operators who share an active interest in designing, building, launching and communicating through analog and digital Amateur Radio satellites.

The news feed on publishes news of Amateur Radio in Space as soon as our volunteers can post it.

Please send any amateur satellite news or reports to: ans-editor [at]

You can sign up for free e-mail delivery of the AMSAT News Service Bulletins via the ANS List; to join this list see:

ANS-182 AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins

From: Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation
712 H Street NE, Suite 1653
Washington, DC 20002

DATE 2024 Jun 30

Firefly Aerospace’s Alpha “Noise of Summer” Mission Rescheduled

Firefly Aerospace’s Alpha rocket, originally scheduled for launch on June 27th, has been rescheduled to 9:03 pm PDT on July 1st for its #FLTA005 mission titled “Noise of Summer.” This launch will occur from Space Launch Complex-2 at Vandenberg Space Force Base in California, carrying NASA payloads and involving a dedicated launch team. For updates closer to the launch window, visit Firefly Aerospace’s official website at

A highlight of this launch is the ELaNa 43 mission, featuring the deployment of multiple CubeSats, including the University of Maine’s MESAT1. This satellite, equipped with a Linear Transponder Module (LTM) from AMSAT, will help conduct experiments designed by Maine schools, contributing to educational and research objectives supported by NASA.

MESAT1 being loaded into the satellite dispenser on the Firefly Aerospace rocket. [Credit: University of Maine]
The “Noise of Summer” mission will deploy a total of eight CubeSats using Firefly Aerospace’s Alpha rocket. Alongside MESAT1, these CubeSats include CatSat from the University of Arizona, KUbeSat-1 from the University of Kansas, R5-S4 and R5-S2-2.0 from NASA’s Johnson Space Center, Serenity from Teachers in Space, SOC-i from the University of Washington, and TechEdSat-11 (TES-11) from NASA’s Ames Research Center. The livestreamed launch, in collaboration with NASASpaceflight, will provide viewers with insights into the intricate operations involved.

MESAT1, beyond its primary mission objectives, will study local temperatures and phytoplankton concentrations using onboard sensors and imaging equipment. It also features a linear transponder for amateur radio use, with telemetry accessible through AMSAT’s FoxTelem program, allowing enthusiasts to decode and analyze satellite data. Users can download the latest version of FoxTelem from the AMSAT website ( to decode and forward telemetry results to AMSAT’s central server for further analysis by engineers and students.

Educational experiments aboard MESAT1, such as ALBEDO, IMAGER, and HAB, developed by Maine schools, aim to study light reflection, coastal water turbidity, and early detection of harmful algal blooms, respectively. These projects highlight the collaborative effort between educational institutions and space agencies to promote scientific learning and environmental awareness.

FoxTelem Version 1.12z3 has been updated for receiving MESAT1 telemetry. [Credit: AMSAT]
Managed under NASA’s CubeSat Launch Initiative and supported by the Maine Space Grant Consortium, MESAT1 represents a significant milestone as Maine’s first small satellite. It will enter a Sun-synchronous orbit, facilitating long-term data collection for climate and environmental studies.

AMSAT’s involvement in the mission underscores its role in advancing amateur radio satellite technology and promoting international cooperation in space science. Through initiatives like FoxTelem, AMSAT enables public engagement with satellite telemetry, thereby enhancing participation in space exploration and scientific discovery.

[ANS thanks Firefly Aerospace, University of Maine, and AMSAT for the above information]

Curium One Satellite Set to Test SatNOGS-COMMS Transceiver

The upcoming launch of the Ariane 6 rocket will carry the Curium One satellite, a 12-unit CubeSat developed collaboratively by Planetary Transportation Systems and the Libre Space Foundation. A primary focus of this mission is the in-orbit testing of the SatNOGS-COMMS transceiver, an open-source radio designed to enhance satellite communication capabilities. This mission aims to validate the performance of the SatNOGS-COMMS transceiver, a dual-band, software-configurable radio transceiver specifically created for Telemetry and Telecommand (TMTC).

The SatNOGS-COMMS transceiver is notable for its dual-band operation in the UHF and SHF bands. It can accommodate a turnstile antenna, which facilitates both transmitting and receiving radio signals. The transceiver’s software-configurable nature allows for in-flight adjustments to carrier and intermediate frequencies, bitrate, modulation options, and channel-filter bandwidth, making it highly versatile for various experimental and educational setups. This flexibility is expected to be a significant asset in the mission’s success.

The SatNOGS-COMMS board will be verified onboard Curium One CubeSat [Credit: Libre Space]
Curium One’s mission represents the first in-orbit demonstration of the SatNOGS-COMMS transceiver. This testing is crucial for verifying the transceiver’s performance in space and will provide valuable data for future missions. The success of this test will also validate the design and functionality of the SatNOGS-COMMS board, which is fully compatible with the extensive SatNOGS Network comprising over 200 ground stations worldwide. IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination is still pending for Curium One after a Libre Space Foundation application was submitted on June 23rd.

One of the standout features of the SatNOGS-COMMS transceiver is its open-source nature. By making the hardware and software publicly available, the Libre Space Foundation aims to foster a collaborative environment where amateur radio operators, students, and space enthusiasts can contribute to and benefit from the technology. This approach not only democratizes access to advanced space communication technology but also accelerates innovation and learning within the community. This mission could set a precedent for future open-source space technologies. The GitLab repository for the SatNOGS-COMMS transceiver can be found at

Curium One CubeSat will fly on the first Ariane 6 rocket launch. [Credit: Planetary Transportation Systems]
The verification of SatNOGS-COMMS onboard Curium One will supply critical information for the Libre Space Foundation’s upcoming PHASMA mission and other future projects. For Planetary Transportation Systems, this mission marks the first in-orbit validation of their satellite design, which is a significant milestone for the company’s future endeavors in space technology development. This mission represents a crucial step in their strategic roadmap.

Curium One’s mission highlights the potential of open-source satellite technology. By promoting amateur radio and providing educational opportunities in space technology, this mission aims to make space more accessible and affordable for everyone. The data and insights from testing the SatNOGS-COMMS transceiver will support more inclusive and innovative uses of space, setting a new standard for collaborative space missions. This mission shows the impact of collaboration and open-source innovation in advancing space exploration and technology.

[ANS thanks the European Space Agency Libre Space Foundation for the above information]

The 2024 AMSAT President’s Club coins are here now!
Help Support GOLF and Fox Plus

Join the AMSAT President’s Club today and help
Keep Amateur Radio in Space!

SpaceX Falcon Heavy Successfully Launches GOES-U Satellite

On June 25, a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket successfully lifted off from Kennedy Space Center’s Launch Complex 39A at 5:26 p.m. Eastern, carrying the GOES-U weather satellite, the final spacecraft in a series of geostationary weather satellites. This launch featured several notable firsts, overcoming previous weather forecasts that had predicted only a 30% chance of favorable conditions.

The GOES-U satellite, successfully deployed from the Falcon Heavy’s second stage four and a half hours after liftoff, after the stage completed a sequence of three burns to place the satellite into a geostationary transfer orbit. Built by Lockheed Martin for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), GOES-U will be renamed GOES-19 upon reaching geostationary orbit. After on-orbit commissioning, it will be positioned at 75 degrees east in geostationary orbit, taking over from GOES-16 as the operational GOES-East satellite.

GOES-U carries a suite of earth and space science instruments similar to its predecessors but includes the new Compact Coronagraph (CCOR) instrument for solar observation. CCOR will monitor the solar corona for flares and coronal mass ejections, a crucial function for understanding space weather. This role was previously filled by the nearly 30-year-old Solar and Heliospheric Observatory spacecraft.

GOES-U lifts off from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center Launch Complex 39A on June 25th, 2024. [Credit: SpaceX]
The GOES-R series, which began with a launch in 2016, has significantly improved weather forecasting. Ken Graham, director of the National Weather Service, stated at a pre-launch briefing, “The GOES-R series of satellites, it’s been a gamechanger for us.” The satellites have enabled new and improved forecasts, warnings, and services that help save lives and protect property.

Among the enhancements in the GOES-R series is a lightning mapper. Pam Sullivan, director of the GOES-R program at NOAA, highlighted its impact, saying it allows meteorologists to better understand storm severity and issue more accurate warnings. “The main thing I hear from forecasters is that they have more confidence in a forecast,” she noted.

NOAA is already planning the next generation of geostationary weather satellites, called GeoXO, set to begin launching in 2032. Contracts have been awarded to Lockheed Martin for satellite construction and BAE Systems for sounder and ocean color instruments. Steve Volz, assistant administrator of NOAA’s Satellite and Information Service, described GOES-U as “the bridge that connects today’s geostationary satellite technology with the technology of tomorrow.”

NOAA’s GOES-U satellite undergoing testing by Lockheed Martin in Littleton, Colorado. [Credit: Lockheed Martin]
The launch was marked by the synchronized landings of the two Falcon Heavy side boosters at Landing Zones 1 and 2 at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station. This mission was also the first time NOAA launched a GOES weather satellite on a SpaceX rocket. The three previous GOES-R satellites launched on Atlas 5 rockets from United Launch Alliance (ULA), but SpaceX was awarded the $152.5 million contract for the GOES-U launch in September 2021 after ULA withdrew due to a lack of available Atlas rockets.

The Falcon Heavy’s additional performance is a key advantage. Julianna Scheiman, director of NASA science missions at SpaceX, explained that the rocket’s capability allows for a significant delta V reduction, meaning the spacecraft requires less energy to reach its final orbit. This efficiency translates into fuel savings and extended operational life for GOES-U, which has a design specification of 15 years. “With the added capability Falcon Heavy is giving us, we expect to be at 20-plus years of fuel life,” said NOAA’s Sullivan.

The GOES-U launch marked the 10th overall for the Falcon Heavy and the second contracted by NASA, following the Psyche asteroid mission in October 2023. Another Falcon Heavy is set to launch NASA’s Europa Clipper mission this October, continuing SpaceX’s role in advancing space exploration and weather monitoring capabilities.

[ANS thanks Jeff Foust, SpaceNews, for the above information]

GridMasterMap Satellite Top 100 Rovers July 2024 Rankings

The July 2024 rankings for the Top 100 Rovers (Mixed LEO/MEO/GEO) in satellite operations, as determined by @GridMasterMap on Twitter, has been released. The ranking is determined by the number of grids and DXCC entities activated, taking into account only those grids where a minimum number of QSOs logged on the website have been validated by a third party. Grid numbers do not directly reflect the exact number of activations. Satellite operators are encouraged to upload their LoTW satellite contacts to in order to provide more accurate data.

Updated: 2024-06-28

1 ND9M 26 LU5ILA 51 EA4NF 76 FG8OJ
2 NJ7H 27 N5BO 52 AA5PK 77 DF2ET
3 JA9KRO 28 K8BL 53 JL3RNZ 78 HB9GWJ
4 N5UC 29 DL2GRC 54 SP5XSD 79 PT9BM
5 UT1FG 30 KE4AL 55 AD7DB 80 KI7UXT
7 DL6AP 32 KB5FHK 57 KE9AJ 82 YU0W
8 WI7P 33 KI7UNJ 58 KI7QEK 83 WA9JBQ
10 N6UA 35 F4BKV 60 XE1ET 85 KB2YSI
11 HA3FOK 36 JO2ASQ 61 N8RO 86 N0TEL
12 K5ZM 37 N7AGF 62 KM4LAO 87 VE3GOP
13 N9IP 38 XE3DX 63 VE1CWJ 88 JM1CAX
14 WY7AA 39 K7TAB 64 SM3NRY 89 CU2ZG
15 W5PFG 40 KE0PBR 65 N4UFO 90 K0FFY
16 AK8CW 41 KI0KB 66 VA3VGR 91 KG4AKV
17 AD0DX 42 KE0WPA 67 W1AW 92 N6UTC
18 F5VMJ 43 PR8KW 68 VA7LM 93 AF5CC
19 WD9EWK 44 VK5DG 69 PT2AP 94 VE6WK
20 AD0HJ 45 N6DNM 70 M1DDD 95 W8MTB
21 DJ8MS 46 EB1AO 71 DL4EA 96 VE7PTN
22 ON4AUC 47 AC0RA 72 LU4JVE 97 K6VHF
23 KX9X 48 JK2XXK 73 W8LR 98 DK9JC
24 ND0C 49 W7WGC 74 AA8CH 99 PT9ST
25 KG5CCI 50 N4AKV 75 VE1VOX 100 VO2AC

[ANS thanks @GridMasterMap for the above information]

Need new satellite antennas?
Purchase an M2 LEO-Pack from the AMSAT Store!When you purchase through AMSAT, a portion of the proceeds goes towards
Keeping Amateur Radio in Space.

Changes to AMSAT-NA TLE Distribution for June 28, 2024

Two Line Elements or TLEs, often referred to as Keplerian elements or keps in the amateur community, are the inputs to the SGP4 standard mathematical model of spacecraft orbits used by most amateur tracking programs. Weekly updates are completely adequate for most amateur satellites. TLE bulletin files are updated daily in the first hour of the UTC day. New bulletin files will be posted immediately after reliable elements become available for new amateur satellites. More information may be found at

This week there are no additions or deletions to the AMSAT TLE distribution.

[ANS thanks AMSAT Orbital Elements page for the above information]


Amateurs and others around the world may listen in on contacts between amateurs operating in schools and allowing students to interact with astronauts and cosmonauts aboard the International Space Station. The downlink frequency on which to listen is 145.800 MHz worldwide.

Recently Completed Contacts

Complejo Educativo Nuestra Señora de Fátima N° 1139 and N° 8119, Pérez, Argentina, Telebridge via VK6MJ
The ISS callsign was NA1SS
The scheduled crewmember was Jeanette Epps KF5QNU
The ARISS mentor was VE6JBJ
Contact was successful Thu 2024-06-27 13:38:07 UTC

Upcoming Contacts

Moroccan School of Engineering Sciences, Casablanca, Morocco, telebridge via VK6MJ
The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be NA1SS
The scheduled crewmember is Jeanette Epps KF5QNU
The ARISS mentor is IN3GHZ
Contact is go for: Mon 2024-07-01 12:02:01 UTC

St. Luke’s College, Buenos Aires, Argentina, direct via LU4AA
The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be NA1SS
The scheduled crewmember is Mike Barratt KD5MIJ
The ARISS mentor is VE6JBJ
Contact is go for: Wed 2024-07-03 14:42:53 UTC
Watch for Livestreaming via their Instagram accounts: The school: / Radio Club Argentino: @rca_sociedad_nacional

The crossband repeater continues to be active (145.990 MHz up {PL 67} & 437.800 MHz down). If any crewmember is so inclined, all they have to do is pick up the microphone, raise the volume up, and talk on the crossband repeater. So give a listen, you just never know.

The packet system is also active (145.825 MHz up & down).

As always, if there is an EVA, a docking, or an undocking; the ARISS radios are turned off as part of the safety protocol.

Note, all times are approximate. It is recommended that you do your own orbital prediction or start listening about 10 minutes before the listed time.

The latest information on the operation mode can be found at

The latest list of frequencies in use can be found at

[ANS thanks Charlie Sufana, AJ9N, one of the ARISS operation team mentors for the above information]

Upcoming Satellite Operations

From Randy, ND0C: From 24 June thru 7 July, we will be on another family camping vacation, which means another satellite roving expedition! This time, thru WI to MI and back thru IL and IA. No super rare grids but several that may be needed by many. The grids and passes will depend on where/when we happen to be while on the road or camping. This will be all LEO sats: FM & SSB. As always, I will try for EU passes on RS-44 when possible. Looking forward to pushing past the 100 grids-roved milestone.

From Mike, N8MR: I will be in EN57, with roves to EN67 from Friday, June 28 thru Saturday, July 6. Using an Icom 9700, Arrow and Alaskan antennas. Listening for Europe on linear eastern passes. I can rove to EN56, only if needed. Posting passes to a day in advance. All QSOs to LoTW as N8MR.

VP5/AA5UK will be QRV from FL31 from 23rd June through 5th July. This operation will be holiday style but will cover HF/LEO/MEO. Head over to his VP5/AA5UK QRZ page for all the info you can shake a stick at.

A growing number of satellite rovers are currently engaged in sharing their grid square activations on By visiting the website, you gain easy access to comprehensive information about the operators responsible for activating specific grid squares. Additionally, you have the ability to assess the match score between yourself and a particular rover for a given pass, while also being able to identify the upcoming satellite passes that are accessible from your location.

[ANS thanks Ian Parsons, K5ZM, AMSAT rover page manager, for the above information]

AMSAT Ambassador Activities

AMSAT Ambassadors provide presentations, demonstrate communicating through amateur satellites, and host information tables at club meetings, hamfests, conventions, maker faires, and other events.

“Moon Day” at the Frontiers of Flight Museum – July 20th, 2024
Dallas Love Field Airport
8008 Herb Kelleher Way
Dallas, TX 75235

AMSAT and Amateur Radio satellites will be presented to the general public as part of this annual space themed STEAM event. Volunteers to help at the table space and to do contact demos are welcome. Contact tschuessler [at] for more information.

Huntsville Hamfest – August 17th and 18th, 2024
Von Braun Center South Hall
700 Monroe Street SW
Huntsville, AL 35801

AMSAT Booth and Forum / N8DEU and W4FCL

Northeast HamXpostion – August 22nd thru 25th, 2024
Best Western Royal Plaza Hotel & Trade Center
181 Boston Post Road West
Marlborough, MA 01752

Greater Louisville Hamfest – September 7th, 2024
Paroquet Springs Conference Centre
395 Paroquet Springs Drive
Shepherdsville, KY 40165

AMSAT Forum and Information Table / W4FCL

North Star Radio Convention – October 5th, 2024
Hennepin Technical College (North Campus)
9000 Brooklyn Boulevard
Brooklyn Park, MN 55445

AMSAT Forum and Information Table / KØJM and ADØHJ

Central Kentucky Hamfest – October 5th, 2024
Highlands Baptist Church
2032 Parallel Road
Lexington, KY 40502

AMSAT and Educational Satellites Forum and Information Table / AI4SR and W4FCL

2024 AMSAT Space Symposium and Annual General Meeting – October 25th thru 27th, 2024
Doubletree by Hilton Tampa Rocky Point Waterfront
3050 N Rocky Point Drive West
Tampa, FL 33607

[ANS thanks the AMSAT Events page for the above information]

Want to fly the colors on your own grid expedition?
Get an AMSAT car flag and other neat stuff from our Zazzle store!
25% of the purchase price of each product goes towards Keeping Amateur Radio in Space

Keeping Amateur Radio in Space

Satellite Shorts From All Over

+ The Ariane 6 rocket recently completed its final ‘wet dress rehearsal’ at Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana, marking a crucial milestone before its maiden launch. This rehearsal involved loading 180 tons of supercooled propellant into the rocket, cooling its components to cryogenic temperatures, and rolling back the mobile gantry. ESA’s Guy Pilchen highlighted that this rehearsal allowed teams to refine launch operations using the actual flight hardware and software. Following fueling, the rocket underwent final preparations for its upcoming launch, expected to confirm its date after data analysis. With payloads ranging from Earth observation to scientific experiments, Ariane 6 aims to secure Europe’s independent access to space and advance space exploration. (ANS thanks the European Space Agency for the above information)

+ China’s Chang’e 6 probe has returned to Earth on June 25, 2024, with the first-ever samples from the far side of the moon, landing in Inner Mongolia on Tuesday. The successful mission marks a global milestone, with the samples expected to include 2.5 million-year-old volcanic rock that could shed light on the geological differences between the moon’s near and far sides. The probe landed in the moon’s South Pole-Aitken Basin, providing samples from various geological layers. This mission is part of China’s growing space rivalry with the U.S. and other nations, aiming to establish China as a technological power. The journey began on May 3 and lasted 53 days, involving drilling into the core and collecting surface rocks. China plans to share the samples with international scientists, hoping to answer fundamental questions about lunar geology and the solar system’s early days. (ANS thanks Huizhong Wu, Associated Press, for the above information)

+ NASA called off a planned spacewalk on June 24 due to a malfunction in astronaut Tracy Dyson’s spacesuit. Dyson and her crewmate Mike Barratt were preparing to exit the International Space Station to conduct maintenance when a water leak was detected in Dyson’s suit cooling unit. This unit is crucial for maintaining a comfortable temperature during spacewalks. The leak occurred just after the suits were switched to battery power, prompting NASA to abort the mission. Although Dyson reported feeling a bit warm and expressed concerns about potential water damage to electrical connectors, both astronauts were safe throughout the incident. This cancellation follows a similar recent setback on June 13, involving a spacesuit issue, and it raises questions about the potential impact on the return schedule of Boeing’s Starliner capsule. (ANS thanks Jackie Wattles, CNN, for the above information)

+ NASA astronauts Suni Williams and Butch Wilmore, who flew Boeing’s Starliner capsule to the International Space Station (ISS), have had their return to Earth delayed multiple times due to issues with the spacecraft. Originally planned to stay for about a week, their mission has been extended indefinitely as NASA and Boeing investigate a slow helium leak and malfunctioning thrusters discovered after reaching orbit. The latest delay was announced last week, with no new return date set yet. Despite these issues, the astronauts are assisting with tasks and conducting tests on the ISS, where they are accommodated with sufficient supplies. NASA is taking a cautious approach, allowing data to drive decisions about managing the leaks and thruster performance. This mission aims to certify the Starliner for future routine flights, similar to SpaceX’s Crew Dragon service for NASA. (ANS thanks Denise Chow, NBC News, for the above information)

Join AMSAT today at

In addition to regular membership, AMSAT offers membership to:

* Societies (a recognized group, clubs or organization).
* Primary and secondary school students are eligible for membership at one-half the standard yearly rate.
* Post-secondary school students enrolled in at least half time status shall be eligible for the student rate for a maximum of 6 post-secondary years in this status.
* Memberships are available for annual and lifetime terms.

Contact info [at] for additional membership information.

73 and remember to help Keep Amateur Radio in Space!

This week’s ANS Editor, Mitch Ahrenstorff, ADØHJ
ad0hj [at]

ANS-154 AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins

In this edition:

* Last Remaining CubeSatSim Kits Available in AMSAT Store
* Setting Up Your Own Satellite Ground Station with SatNOGS
* SpaceX Aims for Successful Reentry in Fourth Starship Test Flight
* GridMasterMap Satellite Top 100 Rovers June 2024 Rankings
* Changes to AMSAT-NA TLE Distribution for May 31, 2024
* ARISS News
* Upcoming Satellite Operations
* Hamfests, Conventions, Maker Faires, and Other Events
* Satellite Shorts From All Over

The AMSAT News Service bulletins are a free, weekly news and information service of AMSAT, the Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation. ANS publishes news related to Amateur Radio in Space including reports on the activities of a worldwide group of Amateur Radio operators who share an active interest in designing, building, launching and communicating through analog and digital Amateur Radio satellites.

The news feed on publishes news of Amateur Radio in Space as soon as our volunteers can post it.

Please send any amateur satellite news or reports to: ans-editor [at]

You can sign up for free e-mail delivery of the AMSAT News Service Bulletins via the ANS List; to join this list see:

ANS-154 AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins

From: Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation
712 H Street NE, Suite 1653
Washington, DC 20002

DATE 2024 Jun 02

Last Remaining CubeSatSim Kits Available in AMSAT Store

The final batch of CubeSatSim Kits are now available for purchase have completely sold out in the AMSAT Store. As of Saturday, June 1 at 1600 UTC, these kits are on sale were on sale for $400, including shipping to U.S. addresses. Offering a hands-on experience, the CubeSatSim Kit requires minimal soldering and assembly, making it accessible for both educational and public demonstration purposes. Watch for announcements of future availability of the CubeSatSim Kits from AMSAT.

Editor’s Note: The last available CubeSatSim Kit was purchased around 1815 UTC on Saturday June 1st. Article was left in this week’s ANS to share updated information on the CubeSatSim project.

The CubeSatSim Kit includes:

  • Fully assembled and tested PCBs (STEM Payload, Solar, and Battery Boards)
  • Raspberry Pi Zero WH with a Pi Camera and fully programmed micro-SD card, along with a fully programmed Raspberry Pi Pico WH
  • AMSAT logo Remove Before Flight tag switch
  • 3D printed frame, nylon screws, and nuts, with a mini screwdriver included for assembly
  • Metal standoffs, stacking headers, and JST jumpers for stacking the PCBs and Pi Zero WH
  • 10 solar panels with JST connectors and mounting tape, requiring minimal soldering
  • BME280 sensor (pressure, temperature, altitude, humidity) and MPU6050 IMU/gyro with male pin headers for easy socket connection
  • Two 6″ SMA coax cables and two SMA antennas

The kit also comes with an instruction sheet, parts inventory, and links to online instructions. Assembly time is estimated to be under two hours, with a soldering iron, solder, scissors, and the provided mini screwdriver required.

Limited quantities of the CubeSatSim Kit are now available from the AMSAT Store. [Credit: Alan Johnston, KU2Y]
The latest Beta v1.3 CubeSatSim features improvements over v1.2, such as an FM transceiver, Raspberry Pi Pico microcontroller, and RF command and control. It can also be modified to function as a 500mW high altitude balloon payload.

For those interested in creating their own CubeSatSim, Beta v1.3 blank PCB sets are available at the AMSAT Store for $35. These require additional components, which can be purchased for approximately $300 using the provided Bill of Materials.

For detailed updates, visit:

Additional resources include:

For more information or to borrow a loaner CubeSat Simulator, contact Alan Johnston, AMSAT VP Educational Relations, at ku2y [at]

How to Order
Kits will be sold exclusively on the AMSAT Store website.
Only U.S. shipping addresses are eligible; orders with non-U.S. addresses will be refunded and closed.

About CubeSatSim
CubeSatSim is a low-cost satellite emulator powered by solar panels and batteries. It transmits UHF radio telemetry and can be expanded with additional sensors and modules, making it ideal for educational and public demonstrations.

Get Involved
During the beta period, purchasers are encouraged to test the new hardware and software and provide feedback on the instructions and documentation. Past purchasers of the CubeSatSim v1 PCB board sets are eligible for a free upgrade to the v1.3 set of PCB boards by contacting ku2y [at]

[ANS thanks Alan Johnston, KU2Y, AMSAT Vice President Educational Relations for the above information]

Setting Up Your Own Satellite Ground Station with SatNOGS

Robert Theiss, W5ITR, had the pleasure of interviewing Dan White, ADØCQ, from the Libre Space Foundation at the 2024 Dayton Hamvention about their innovative SatNOGS project. This initiative enables anyone to set up a satellite ground station, collect valuable data, and contribute to global satellite operations. You can watch the interview here on the Digital Rancher YouTube channel:

Dan explained that SatNOGS provides detailed blueprints and documentation for building a satellite ground station from scratch. The foundation offers the necessary software, identifies accessible hardware, and maintains the infrastructure that allows citizen scientists to engage in satellite-related sciences. Their vision of making outer space open and accessible through open-source technology is truly inspiring.

Setting up a basic SatNOGS station is surprisingly straightforward. All you need is a Raspberry Pi and an RTL-SDR dongle. Dan explained the process: the Libre Space Foundation provides a ready-to-use image for the Raspberry Pi, which includes the operating system and necessary configurations. You just create an account, register your station, and schedule a test observation.

Robert Theiss, W5ITR, interviews Dan White, ADØCQ, with Libre Space at the 2024 Dayton Hamvention. [Credit: Robert Theiss, W5ITR]
For those looking to enhance their setup, SatNOGS offers extensive documentation on building antennas and integrating additional components like low noise amplifiers and band pass filters. Although they plan to offer kits in the future, you can currently follow the detailed instructions and suggested links available on the SatNOGS Wiki:

One of the most fascinating aspects of SatNOGS is its network of interconnected ground stations. Once your station is set up, it can schedule satellite passes and collect data, even while you’re asleep. This data is shared across the network, allowing other users to access it, and vice versa. This system ensures continuous monitoring and data collection, maximizing the utility of each station.

The SatNOGS community is highly active and supportive. The forums on the Libre Space Foundation’s website are a great resource for troubleshooting, sharing experiences, and staying updated on new satellite launches and developments.

Dan White, ADØCQ explains the makeup of their SatNOGS Demonstration Ground Station. [Credit: Robert Theiss, W5ITR]
For those interested in taking their ground station to the next level, SatNOGS supports more advanced setups with full azimuth and elevation rotators and larger antennas. These setups, while more costly, significantly increase data collection capabilities and overall performance. The Raspberry Pi used in the basic setup can interface with these advanced systems, allowing for automated tracking and data collection.

Dan shared insights into practical aspects such as bandwidth requirements and equipment wear and tear. While the data collected by a SatNOGS station can be bandwidth-intensive, there are settings to optimize for lower bandwidth situations by disabling audio uploads. Additionally, proper setup and maintenance of antennas and rotators can ensure long-term operation without significant issues.

The Libre Space Foundation and its SatNOGS project provide a unique opportunity for anyone interested in satellite and space communications to get involved. Their open-source approach and comprehensive support make it accessible even for beginners. Setting up your own satellite ground station is a rewarding experience, contributing to global space exploration and satellite communication. Check out the resources at and get involved!

[ANS thanks Robert Theiss, W5ITR, for the above information]

The 2024 AMSAT President’s Club coins are here now!
Help Support GOLF and Fox Plus

Join the AMSAT President’s Club today and help
Keep Amateur Radio in Space!

SpaceX Aims for Successful Reentry in Fourth Starship Test Flight

SpaceX is targeting June 6th for the fourth test flight of its Starship megarocket, aiming to demonstrate the rocket’s ability to survive reentry, according to founder and CEO Elon Musk. This objective marks a crucial step in proving the reusability of the world’s most powerful rocket, following three prior test flights that showcased its capacity to reach space.

On May 20th, SpaceX carried out a crucial test by loading over 10 million pounds of super-cold methane and liquid oxygen propellants into the Super Heavy booster and the Starship upper stage. This practice countdown, which concluded before engine ignition, was one of the last major tests before the rocket’s flight. Following the test, the launch team drained the propellants, and ground crews removed the Starship upper stage to perform additional work on its heat shield.

The next steps include installing the rocket’s self-destruct mechanism, to be used if the vehicle deviates off course, and securing a commercial launch license from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The FAA is reviewing the results of SpaceX’s previous Starship test flight in March, which was classified as a mishap after the vehicle lost control and disintegrated during reentry.

SpaceX has requested the FAA approve the upcoming launch before the mishap investigation concludes, arguing that the previous flight did not pose a public safety risk. An FAA spokesperson indicated that this could expedite the licensing process if no public safety issues are identified.

SpaceX’s fourth full-scale Starship rocket underwent a successful fueling test on May 20th. [Credit: SpaceX]
Meanwhile, SpaceX is preparing hardware for multiple rockets scheduled to fly later this year and building additional launch sites in Texas and Florida to support an increased launch frequency. However, significant design challenges remain before Starship becomes fully operational.

Unlike the March test flight, which included several experiments such as payload bay door operations and liquid oxygen transfer, the upcoming mission will concentrate on controlling the reentry of both the Super Heavy booster and the Starship upper stage. Both components broke apart during descent in the last flight.

SpaceX aims for the Super Heavy booster, named Booster 11, to achieve a controlled splashdown in the Gulf of Mexico, while the Starship upper stage, known as Ship 29, will attempt to survive the extreme reentry conditions. The rocket is equipped with about 18,000 hexagonal heat-absorbing ceramic tiles to protect its stainless-steel structure during reentry, where temperatures can reach approximately 2,600°F (1,430°C).

Musk has indicated that, assuming a successful splashdown, SpaceX could attempt landing a Super Heavy booster back at the Texas launch pad as early as the fifth test flight later this year. However, due to harsher reentry conditions from orbital velocity, landing the Starship upper stage might take longer.

Plasma buildup shown around Starship during Integrated Flight Test 3 on March 14, 2024. [Credit: SpaceX]
NASA, which selected Starship to ferry astronauts to and from the Moon for its Artemis program, is closely monitoring these developments. A critical milestone for NASA is the in-orbit engine restart, necessary for guiding Starship towards controlled reentry and future lunar missions. While this capability will not be tested on the next flight, achieving reliable engine performance remains a primary focus.

“For us, primarily, it’s the successful light of those Raptor engines and achieving main stage with all of them on Booster 11,” said Lisa Watson-Morgan, manager of NASA’s Human Landing System. The next flight aims to ensure consistent engine performance, crucial for SpaceX and NASA’s lunar ambitions.

Reigniting Raptor engines in space is essential for future missions, but SpaceX is taking a step-by-step approach. “If we can’t light all 33 engines on the booster, and if we can’t light all six engines on the ship, then we’re going to have trouble getting to where we need to go,” Watson-Morgan said. “So it’s basically a building-block approach.”

As SpaceX prepares for its fourth Starship test flight, the focus on surviving reentry represents a critical hurdle in its mission to develop a fully reusable rocket system capable of reaching, and returning from, space.

[ANS thanks Stephen Clark, Ars Technica, for the above information]

GridMasterMap Satellite Top 100 Rovers June 2024 Rankings

The June 2024 rankings for the Top 100 Rovers (Mixed LEO/MEO/GEO) in satellite operations, as determined by @GridMasterMap on Twitter, has been released. The ranking is determined by the number of grids and DXCC entities activated, taking into account only those grids where a minimum number of QSOs logged on the website have been validated by a third party. Grid numbers do not directly reflect the exact number of activations. Satellite operators are encouraged to upload their LoTW satellite contacts to in order to provide more accurate data.

Updated: 2024-06-01

1 ND9M 26 LU5ILA 51 W7WGC 76 FG8OJ
2 NJ7H 27 N5BO 52 EA4NF 77 HB9GWJ
3 JA9KRO 28 K8BL 53 AA5PK 78 PT9BM
4 N5UC 29 KE4AL 54 JL3RNZ 79 DF2ET
7 DL6AP 32 KB5FHK 57 F4DXV 82 YU0W
8 WI7P 33 KI7UNJ 58 KE9AJ 83 WA9JBQ
10 N6UA 35 F4BKV 60 XE1ET 85 KB2YSI
11 K5ZM 36 JO2ASQ 61 N8RO 86 N0TEL
12 HA3FOK 37 N7AGF 62 KM4LAO 87 N6UTC
13 N9IP 38 XE3DX 63 VE1CWJ 88 VE3GOP
14 WY7AA 39 PA3GAN 64 SM3NRY 89 JM1CAX
15 W5PFG 40 K7TAB 65 N4UFO 90 K0FFY
16 AD0DX 41 KE0PBR 66 VA3VGR 91 CU2ZG
17 AK8CW 42 KI0KB 67 W1AW 92 KG4AKV
18 F5VMJ 43 PR8KW 68 VA7LM 93 VE7PTN
19 WD9EWK 44 KE0WPA 69 PT2AP 94 AF5CC
20 AD0HJ 45 VK5DG 70 DL4EA 95 VE6WK
21 DJ8MS 46 N6DNM 71 M1DDD 96 W8MTB
22 ON4AUC 47 EB1AO 72 W8LR 97 K6VHF
23 KX9X 48 AC0RA 73 LU4JVE 98 DK9JC
24 ND0C 49 JK2XXK 74 AA8CH 99 PT9ST
25 KG5CCI 50 N4AKV 75 VE1VOX 100 VO2AC

[ANS thanks @GridMasterMap for the above information]

Need new satellite antennas?
Purchase an M2 LEO-Pack from the AMSAT Store!When you purchase through AMSAT, a portion of the proceeds goes towards
Keeping Amateur Radio in Space.

Changes to AMSAT-NA TLE Distribution for May 31, 2024

Two Line Elements or TLEs, often referred to as Keplerian elements or keps in the amateur community, are the inputs to the SGP4 standard mathematical model of spacecraft orbits used by most amateur tracking programs. Weekly updates are completely adequate for most amateur satellites. TLE bulletin files are updated daily in the first hour of the UTC day. New bulletin files will be posted immediately after reliable elements become available for new amateur satellites. More information may be found at

The following satellites have been removed from this week’s AMSAT-NA TLE distribution:
+ SO-114 NORAD Cat ID 51081 Decayed from orbit on or about 25 May 2024
+ SO-115 NORAD Cat ID 51080 Decayed from orbit on or about 26 May 2024
+ HODOYOSHI-1 NORAD Cat ID 40299 No Amateur Satellite Service payload

[ANS thanks AMSAT Orbital Elements page for the above information]


Amateurs and others around the world may listen in on contacts between amateurs operating in schools and allowing students to interact with astronauts and cosmonauts aboard the International Space Station. The downlink frequency on which to listen is 145.800 MHz worldwide.

Recently Completed Contacts

Children’s Technopark “Quantorium”, Obninsk, Russia, direct via TBD
The ISS callsign was RSØISS
The scheduled crewmember was Aleksandr Grebyonkin RZ3DSE
The ARISS mentor was RV3DR
Contact was successful Mon 2024-05-27 14:10 UTC

Aznakaevsky district of the Tatarstan Republic, Russia, direct via TBD
The ISS callsign was RSØISS
The scheduled crewmember was Aleksandr Grebyonkin RZ3DSE
The ARISS mentor is RV3DR
Contact was successful 2024-05-31 Fri 12:30 UTC

Upcoming Contacts

“Creativity Development Center” in Pugachev, Russia, direct via TBD
The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be RSØISS
The scheduled crewmember is Aleksandr Grebyonkin RZ3DSE
The ARISS mentor is RV3DR
Contact is go for 2024-06-03 10:00:00 UTC

Belmont Elementary School, Woodbridge, VA, direct via KM4TAY
The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be NA1SS
The scheduled crewmember is Jeanette Epps KF5QNU
The ARISS mentor is AA4KN
Contact is go for: Mon 2024-06-03 16:03:00 UTC

Agrupamento de Escolas Dr. Serafim Leite, São João da Madeira, Portugal, direct via CS2ASL
The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be OR4ISS
The scheduled crewmember is Matthew Dominick KCØTOR
The ARISS mentor is IKØUSO
Contact is go for: Thu 2024-06-06 10:33:44 UTC

Expect ISS radio outage for Progress 88 docking from May 31 1720 UTC until June 2 1415 UTC. The crossband repeater continues to be active (145.990 MHz up {PL 67} & 437.800 MHz down). If any crewmember is so inclined, all they have to do is pick up the microphone, raise the volume up, and talk on the crossband repeater. So give a listen, you just never know.

The packet system is also active (145.825 MHz up & down).

As always, if there is an EVA, a docking, or an undocking; the ARISS radios are turned off as part of the safety protocol.

Note, all times are approximate. It is recommended that you do your own orbital prediction or start listening about 10 minutes before the listed time.

The latest information on the operation mode can be found at

The latest list of frequencies in use can be found at

[ANS thanks Charlie Sufana, AJ9N, one of the ARISS operation team mentors for the above information]

Upcoming Satellite Operations

G0ABI will activate grid square IN79 from the historic Lizard Wireless Station at Bass Point via GreenCube (IO-117) satellite on June 6th. Lizard Wireless Station is the site where Guglielmo Marconi conducted his pioneering wireless experiments in 1900. Marconi proved radio communication over the horizon by receiving a transmission from the Isle of Wight in 1901 and later received the first SOS call in 1910. His work at “The Lizard” led to the first transatlantic radio signal, paving the way for global wireless communication. Celebrate Marconi’s legacy by making contact with G0ABI from this iconic location. For more details about the Lizard Wireless Station, visit

A growing number of satellite rovers are currently engaged in sharing their grid square activations on By visiting the website, you gain easy access to comprehensive information about the operators responsible for activating specific grid squares. Additionally, you have the ability to assess the match score between yourself and a particular rover for a given pass, while also being able to identify the upcoming satellite passes that are accessible from your location.

[ANS thanks Ian Parsons, K5ZM, AMSAT Rover Page Manager, for the above information]

Hamfests, Conventions, Maker Faires, and Other Events

AMSAT Ambassadors provide presentations, demonstrate communicating through amateur satellites, and host information tables at club meetings, hamfests, conventions, maker faires, and other events.

“Moon Day” at the Frontiers of Flight Museum
AMSAT and Amateur Radio satellites will be presented to the general public as part of this annual space themed STEAM event.  Volunteers to help at the table space and to do contact demos are welcome.  Contact tschuessler [at] for more information.

July 20th, 2024
Dallas Love Field Airport
8008 Herb Kelleher Way
Dallas, TX 75235

38th Annual Small Satellite Conference
August 3-8, 2024
Logan, UT, USA

Northeast HamXpostion
August 22-25, 2024
Best Western Royal Plaza Hotel & Trade Center
181 Boston Post Road W
Marlborough, MA 01752

2024 AMSAT Space Symposium and Annual General Meeting
October 25-27, 2024
Doubletree by Hilton Tampa Rocky Point Waterfront
3050 North Rocky Point Drive West
Tampa, FL 33607

[ANS thanks the AMSAT Events page for the above information]

Want to fly the colors on your own grid expedition?
Get an AMSAT car flag and other neat stuff from our Zazzle store!
25% of the purchase price of each product goes towards Keeping Amateur Radio in Space

Keeping Amateur Radio in Space

Satellite Shorts From All Over

+ China’s Chang’e 6 probe is set to land on the far side of the moon this weekend, aiming to return lunar samples to Earth. Launched on May 3, the robotic mission entered lunar orbit five days later and is targeting a touchdown on Saturday night, June 1st, for those in North America. The mission will study its landing area in the South Pole-Aitken Basin, collecting samples over three days before the ascent module returns to lunar orbit. These samples will be transferred to a return-to-Earth module, with a scheduled Earth landing on June 25. Once returned, the samples will be examined in Beijing and made available to the scientific community for research. This mission builds on the success of Chang’e 5, which returned 61 ounces of lunar material in 2020, and aims to provide insights into the moon’s magmatic processes and mantle properties. (ANS thanks Leonard David,, for the above information)

+ Blue Origin resumed crewed spaceflights on May 19 after a nearly two-year hiatus following a rocket mishap in 2022, which left Virgin Galactic as the sole operator in the suborbital tourism market. Among the six passengers was Ed Dwight, a former Air Force pilot who had been poised to become NASA’s first Black astronaut in the 1960s. Dwight, at 90 years old, became the oldest person to go to space, expressing the profound impact of the experience. Despite one of the capsule’s parachutes failing to fully inflate, the mission was deemed a success, and all passengers returned safely. This flight marks the seventh human mission for Blue Origin, highlighting its ambitions for future space endeavors. The company has now flown 37 people aboard its New Shepard vehicle, named after the first American in space, Alan Shepard. (ANS thanks Issam Ahmed,, for the above information)

+ Rocket Lab successfully launched a small Earth-observation satellite for NASA on May 25, marking the company’s 48th liftoff. The Electron rocket lifted off from New Zealand at 3:41 a.m. EDT, carrying the first of two CubeSats for NASA’s PREFIRE (Polar Radiant Energy in the Far-InfraRed Experiment) mission. This satellite, deployed into orbit 53 minutes post-launch, will measure heat loss from Earth’s polar regions, a critical factor in understanding climate change. A second PREFIRE satellite will launch within three weeks, with both CubeSats set to operate in 326-mile-high circular orbits. The PREFIRE mission aims to enhance climate models by systematically measuring thermal infrared radiation over the Arctic and Antarctica. Notably, Rocket Lab’s Electron rocket, while designed for reusability, executed this mission without a recovery component. (ANS thanks Mike Wall,, for the above information)

+Voyager 1 has resumed transmitting science data from two of its four operational instruments after a computer issue arose in November 2023. The mission team is working on recalibrating the remaining two instruments, with plans to complete this in the coming weeks. This progress follows a five-month troubleshooting effort, during which the spacecraft began sending back usable engineering data. On May 17, commands were successfully sent to the 46-year-old spacecraft, located over 15 billion miles from Earth, enabling it to resume sending science data. The plasma wave subsystem and magnetometer are now operational, while efforts continue on the cosmic ray subsystem and low energy charged particle instrument. Launched in 1977, Voyager 1 and its twin, Voyager 2, are NASA’s longest-operating spacecraft and the first to explore beyond the heliosphere, having flown by Jupiter, Saturn, and, in Voyager 2’s case, Uranus and Neptune. (ANS thanks NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory for the above information)

Join AMSAT today at

In addition to regular membership, AMSAT offers membership to:

* Societies (a recognized group, clubs or organization).
* Primary and secondary school students are eligible for membership at one-half the standard yearly rate.
* Post-secondary school students enrolled in at least half-time status shall be eligible for the student rate for a maximum of 6 post-secondary years in this status.
* Memberships are available for annual and lifetime terms.

Contact info [at] for additional membership information.

73 and remember to help Keep Amateur Radio in Space!

This week’s ANS Editor, Mitch Ahrenstorff, ADØHJ
ad0hj [at]

ANS-126 AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins

In this edition:

* Greencube Terminal Program: Version Enhancements and Updates
* Chang’e-6 Successfully Launches: China’s Historic Lunar Mission Begins
* NASA Reveals SpaceX’s Innovative Plan for Starship Refueling in Orbit
* GridMasterMap Satellite Top 100 Rovers May 2024 Rankings
* Changes to AMSAT-NA TLE Distribution for May 3, 2024
* ARISS News
* Upcoming Satellite Operations
* Hamfests, Conventions, Maker Faires, and Other Events
* Satellite Shorts From All Over

The AMSAT News Service bulletins are a free, weekly news and information service of AMSAT, the Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation. ANS publishes news related to Amateur Radio in Space including reports on the activities of a worldwide group of Amateur Radio operators who share an active interest in designing, building, launching and communicating through analog and digital Amateur Radio satellites.

The news feed on publishes news of Amateur Radio in Space as soon as our volunteers can post it.

Please send any amateur satellite news or reports to: ans-editor [at]

You can sign up for free e-mail delivery of the AMSAT News Service Bulletins via the ANS List; to join this list see:

ANS-126 AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins

From: Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation
712 H Street NE, Suite 1653
Washington, DC 20002

DATE 2024 May 05

Greencube Terminal Program: Version Enhancements and Updates

The Greencube Terminal Program, developed by Carsten Groen, OZ9AAR, has taken another leap forward in its evolution with the launch of Version This latest update brings a number of enhancements and fixes geared towards bolstering operational efficiency and enriching the user experience, particularly for IO-117 satellite enthusiasts.

One of the standout features of this update is the integration of UHM 2.1 (yoU Heard Me), supplanting the older UHM 2.0. It’s imperative for users to make the switch before May 14th, as UHM 2.0 will quit working thereafter. In the Live World View (LWV), users now have the flexibility to customize the positioning of the “radar view” of the current pass on the screen, allowing for more tailored satellite tracking experiences. Moreover, a bug that caused the frequency/band to default to 435.310 MHz regardless of the satellite selected when logging stations has been rectified.

Greencube Terminal Live World View [Credit: Carsten Groen, OZ9AAR]
Several user-requested enhancements have been incorporated, including the addition of time stamps (HH:MM:SS) when copying selected lines to the clipboard in the Traffic window and the removal of limitations on the length of callsigns (excluding SSID) in AX.25 mode so the full 6-character callsigns in AX.25 are supported. Additionally, users can now integrate their horizon into the “radar view” in LWV by defining horizon definitions in a text file.

Noteworthy improvements have also been made to message handling within the Terminal program. These include fixes to parsing issues with local TLE data caused by duplicate NORAD numbers and adjustments to the way UHM paints lines in the Traffic view to address reported errors. Furthermore, enhancements to LoTW status checks now ensure that updates occur automatically every 12 hours based on user-configured preferences, streamlining the process and ensuring accuracy.

Greencube Terminal Main Screen with UHM 2.1 [Credit: Carsten Groen, OZ9AAR]
The introduction of Live QSO Viewer (LQV) and Live World View (LWV) offers users innovative graphical representations of satellite traffic and station locations, enhancing situational awareness and operational efficiency. Additionally, the integration of GPS in version enables users to connect GPS receivers for automatic grid location updates, simplifying tracking and reporting, especially for mobile users.

With the addition of features such as UHM integration, expanded satellite selection, and improved message handling, users can anticipate a more robust and user-friendly experience with the Greencube Terminal Program v1.0.0.90. These updates underscore a commitment to continuous improvement and innovation, ensuring Greencube Terminal Program remains the most popular application for GreenCube satellite communications. More information about installation, features, and updates can be found on Carsten’s website:

[ANS thanks Carsten Groen, OZ9AAR, for the above information]

Chang’e-6 Successfully Launches: China’s Historic Lunar Mission Begins

China’s Chang’e-6 mission embarked on its historic journey on May 3rd, launching aboard a Long March 5 rocket from the Wenchang Satellite Launch Center on Hainan Island, China. This mission aims to retrieve samples from the far side of the Moon, a feat never before achieved. The spacecraft is set to undergo a 53-day voyage to the Moon and back, where it will collect lunar soil and rocks, offering invaluable insights into the Moon’s ancient history.

The mission targets the Moon’s South Pole-Aitken (SPA) basin, a region of particular interest due to its potential to unveil crucial information about the Moon’s past. This basin, formed by an ancient impact, holds clues about the events that shaped both the Moon and Earth billions of years ago, providing an opportunity to understand the differences between the near and far sides of the Moon.

Rendering of Chang’e-6 Spacecraft in Lunar Orbit. [Credit: Chinese National Space Agency (CNSA)]
Unlike previous lunar missions, which primarily focused on the near side, Chang’e-6 will explore the challenging terrain of the far side. Landing and communicating on this side of the Moon require sophisticated technology, including communications relay satellites. China, having achieved the first successful lunar far-side landing in 2019 with Chang’e-4, now endeavors to bring back samples from this uncharted territory.

The Chang’e-6 spacecraft is comprised of four components: an orbiter, lander, ascender, and reentry module. Upon reaching lunar orbit, the lander and ascender will descend to the Moon’s surface, collect approximately 2 kilograms (4.4 pounds) of lunar material using specialized tools, and return to lunar orbit. The orbiter will then carry the samples back to Earth, releasing the reentry module into the atmosphere for a soft landing.

Chang’e-6 Spacecraft’s Landing Site on the Moon’s SPA Basin. [Credit: Chinese National Space Agency (CNSA)]
During its 53-day mission, Chang’e-6 will communicate with Earth through the Queqiao-2 relay satellite, which features a large parabolic antenna. This communication link will enable scientists to monitor and control the mission’s progress and ensure the safe return of valuable lunar samples.

The scientific significance of Chang’e-6 extends beyond lunar exploration. The samples it retrieves will shed light on the Solar System’s tumultuous past, particularly the Late Heavy Bombardment period around 3.9 billion years ago. By studying the SPA basin’s age and composition, scientists hope to discern the origins of this event and its implications for Earth’s history and the potential for life elsewhere in the universe.

[ANS thanks Jason Davis, The Planetary Society, for the above information]

The 2024 AMSAT President’s Club coins are here now!
Help Support GOLF and Fox Plus

Join the AMSAT President’s Club today and help
Keep Amateur Radio in Space!

NASA Reveals SpaceX’s Innovative Plan for Starship Refueling in Orbit

NASA recently outlined SpaceX’s plans for refueling Starships in low-Earth orbit, a critical step toward enabling ambitious lunar missions. Scheduled for next year, this demonstration involves linking two Starships in orbit. Under contract with NASA’s Artemis program, SpaceX aims to supply human-rated Starships for lunar landings, although the targeted 2026 launch for Artemis III highlights the project’s ambitious nature. Last year, NASA awarded a contract to Blue Origin, providing alternative options for lunar missions. Both companies designed their landers with future refueling capabilities, allowing for multiple missions and potential resource utilization on the Moon or Mars.

Amit Kshatriya, leading NASA’s “Moon to Mars” program, outlined SpaceX’s strategy for in-space refueling during a recent meeting. Despite challenges, progress is evident as SpaceX prepares for upcoming Starship test flights, aiming to tackle crucial technical hurdles. Before lunar missions become a reality, mastering in-space refueling is essential. SpaceX plans to demonstrate large-scale propellant transfer between two Starships in orbit next year. This milestone follows a successful cryogenic propellant transfer test during a previous Starship flight, funded by NASA.

Artist’s Illustration of Two SpaceX Starships Docked in Orbit. [Credit: SpaceX]
With each test flight, SpaceX aims to enhance capabilities necessary for lunar landings. These include precise booster landings, in-orbit engine restarts, and controlled reentries—a prerequisite for deep space exploration. SpaceX’s long-term goal of frequent Starship launches hinges on rapid reusability, aligning with Elon Musk’s vision. Despite the challenges, progress is tangible, with plans underway to establish additional launch infrastructure in Texas and Florida.

The upcoming refueling demonstration involves autonomously linking two Starships in orbit, a task not without complexities. Yet, leveraging experience from Dragon capsule missions, SpaceX aims to navigate these challenges. The propellant transfer process relies on a pressure differential mechanism, simplifying the flow between donor and recipient tanks. Fine-tuning this procedure is crucial to avoid propellant loss during transfers.

Plans for SpaceX’s Ship-to-Ship Cryogenic Transfer Demonstration. [Credit: NASA/Amit Kshatriya]
Success in these demonstrations will determine the number of refueling tankers required for lunar missions. While predictions exist, practical tests will validate these estimates, ensuring mission success. As SpaceX pushes boundaries, industry experts emphasize the importance of collaboration and innovation. With a resilient team and the right attitude, SpaceX aims to overcome challenges and pioneer the next era of space exploration. While ambitious, SpaceX’s endeavors signify a paradigm shift in space exploration, driven by a collective vision of advancing humanity’s reach beyond Earth’s orbit.

[ANS thanks Stephen Clark, Ars Technica, for the above information]

GridMasterMap Satellite Top 100 Rovers May 2024 Rankings

The May 2024 rankings for the Top 100 Rovers (Mixed LEO/MEO/GEO) in satellite operations, as determined by @GridMasterMap on Twitter, has been released. The ranking is determined by the number of grids and DXCC entities activated, taking into account only those grids where a minimum number of QSOs logged on the website have been validated by a third party. Grid numbers do not directly reflect the exact number of activations. Satellite operators are encouraged to upload their LoTW satellite contacts to in order to provide more accurate data.

Updated: 2024-05-01

1 ND9M 26 N5BO 51 SP5XSD 76 FG8OJ
2 NJ7H 27 K8BL 52 AD7DB 77 PT9BM
4 N5UC 29 KE4AL 54 F4DXV 79 KI7UXT
5 UT1FG 30 DL2GRC 55 KE9AJ 80 YU0W
7 DL6AP 32 KB5FHK 57 PA3GAN 82 N4DCW
8 WI7P 33 KI7UNJ 58 N8RO 83 HB9GWJ
10 K5ZM 35 F4BKV 60 KM4LAO 85 N0TEL
11 N6UA 36 N7AGF 61 VE1CWJ 86 VE3GOP
12 N9IP 37 JO2ASQ 62 SM3NRY 87 KI0KB
13 WY7AA 38 XE3DX 63 N4UFO 88 JM1CAX
14 W5PFG 39 K7TAB 64 VA3VGR 89 CU2ZG
15 AK8CW 40 KE0PBR 65 W1AW 90 K0FFY
16 AD0DX 41 KE0WPA 66 VA7LM 91 KG4AKV
17 DP0POL 42 N6DNM 67 PT2AP 92 AF5CC
18 WD9EWK 43 PR8KW 68 M1DDD 93 VE6WK
19 AD0HJ 44 AC0RA 69 DL4EA 94 W8MTB
20 ON4AUC 45 EB1AO 70 AA8CH 95 VE7PTN
21 KX9X 46 JK2XXK 71 N4AKV 96 DK9JC
22 KG5CCI 47 W7WGC 72 LU4JVE 97 K6VHF
23 ND0C 48 EA4NF 73 VE1VOX 98 N6UTC
24 DJ8MS 49 VK5DG 74 W8LR 99 PT9ST
25 F5VMJ 50 AA5PK 75 DF2ET 100 VO2AC

[ANS thanks @GridMasterMap for the above information]

Need new satellite antennas?
Purchase an M2 LEO-Pack from the AMSAT Store!When you purchase through AMSAT, a portion of the proceeds goes towards
Keeping Amateur Radio in Space.

Changes to AMSAT-NA TLE Distribution for May 3, 2024

Two Line Elements or TLEs, often referred to as Keplerian elements or keps in the amateur community, are the inputs to the SGP4 standard mathematical model of spacecraft orbits used by most amateur tracking programs. Weekly updates are completely adequate for most amateur satellites. TLE bulletin files are updated daily in the first hour of the UTC day. New bulletin files will be posted immediately after reliable elements become available for new amateur satellites. More information may be found at

Correction to last week’s addition:
KASHIWA NORAD Cat ID 59508 Correct downlink 437.3753 MHz (Thanks Nico PA0DLO)

The following satellites have been removed from this week’s AMSAT-NA TLE distribution:
NIUSAT NORAD Cat ID 42766 Decayed from orbit on or about 27 April 2024
ExoCube 2 NORAD Cat ID 47319 Decayed from orbit on or about 30 April 2024

[ANS thanks AMSAT Orbital Elements page for the above information]


Amateurs and others around the world may listen in on contacts between amateurs operating in schools and allowing students to interact with astronauts and cosmonauts aboard the International Space Station. The downlink frequency on which to listen is 145.800 MHz worldwide.

Recently Completed Contacts

Centennial Campus Magnet Middle School Center for Innovation, Raleigh, NC, telebridge via K6DUE
The ISS callsign was NA1SS
The scheduled crewmember was Matthew Dominick KCØTOR
The ARISS mentor was AA6TB
Contact was successful: Wed 2024-05-01 12:03:49 UTC
Watch for Livestream at:

Wireless Institute of Australia / Bundaberg High School Amateur Radio Club, Bundaberg, Queensland, Australia, telebridge via VK6MJ
The ISS callsign was NA1SS
The scheduled crewmember was Mike Barratt KD5MIJ
The ARISS mentor was VK4KHZ
Contact was successful: Sat 2024-05-04 10:28:24 UTC

Upcoming Contacts

Eric Knows CIC, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, telebridge via K6DUE
The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be NA1SS
The scheduled crewmember is Matthew Dominick KCØTOR
The ARISS mentor is MØXTD
Contact is go for: Sat 2024-05-11 08:42:32 UTC

The crossband repeater continues to be active (145.990 MHz up {PL 67} & 437.800 MHz down). If any crewmember is so inclined, all they have to do is pick up the microphone, raise the volume up, and talk on the crossband repeater. So give a listen, you just never know.

The packet system is also active (145.825 MHz up & down).

As always, if there is an EVA, a docking, or an undocking; the ARISS radios are turned off as part of the safety protocol.

Note, all times are approximate. It is recommended that you do your own orbital prediction or start listening about 10 minutes before the listed time.

The latest information on the operation mode can be found at

The latest list of frequencies in use can be found at

[ANS thanks Charlie Sufana, AJ9N, one of the ARISS operation team mentors for the above information]

Upcoming Satellite Operations

A growing number of satellite rovers are currently engaged in sharing their grid square activations on By visiting the website, you gain easy access to comprehensive information about the operators responsible for activating specific grid squares. Additionally, you have the ability to assess the match score between yourself and a particular rover for a given pass, while also being able to identify the upcoming satellite passes that are accessible from your location.

[ANS thanks Ian Parsons, K5ZM, AMSAT rover page manager, for the above information]

Hamfests, Conventions, Maker Faires, and Other Events

AMSAT Ambassadors provide presentations, demonstrate communicating through amateur satellites, and host information tables at club meetings, hamfests, conventions, maker faires, and other events.

Dayton Hamvention 2024
Friday May 17th – Sunday May 19th
Greene County Fairgrounds and Expo Center
120 Fairground Road
Xenia, OH 45385

38th Annual Small Satellite Conference
August 3-8, 2024
Logan, UT, USA

[ANS thanks the AMSAT Events page for the above information]

Want to fly the colors on your own grid expedition?
Get an AMSAT car flag and other neat stuff from our Zazzle store!
25% of the purchase price of each product goes towards Keeping Amateur Radio in Space

Keeping Amateur Radio in Space

Satellite Shorts From All Over

+ Congratulations are in order for RJ Bragg, WY7AA, and Andrew Northam, KE8FZT, for their impressive accomplishments in earning GridMaster Awards #64 and #65, respectively! This esteemed recognition, initiated by Star Comm Group in 2014 and backed by Damon Runion, WA4HFN, and Rick Tillman, WA4NVM, has now been entrusted to AMSAT for the benefit of the entire amateur satellite community. The GridMaster Award celebrates radio amateurs worldwide who achieve two-way communication via amateur satellite with operators in all 488 Maidenhead grids across the contiguous United States of America. For more details on this distinguished award, visit the AMSAT website at Andrew and RJ, your achievement is truly commendable—well done! (ANS thanks Bruce Paige, KK5DO, AMSAT Director of Contests and Awards for the above information)

+ AMSAT Italia proudly announces the acquisition of ownership of the IO-117 “GreenCube” satellite, with Sapienza University retaining partial ownership. Through collaboration, the satellite will continue amateur radio operations post-primary scientific mission completion, preventing its decommissioning. This transfer of legal responsibility from the Italian Space Agency to AMSAT Italia solidifies the satellite’s exclusive amateur radio use. Originally named GreenCube, it was developed by Sapienza University, ENEA, and University of Naples Federico II, with AMSAT Italia contributing to its design. On October 29, 2022, GreenCube became the first ham radio satellite to operate in a MEO orbit, designated as Italy-OSCAR 117 (IO-117) by AMSAT. AMSAT Italia, Sapienza Space Systems, and Space Surveillance Laboratory commit to operating the satellite for continued service to the amateur radio community. (ANS thanks AMSAT Italia for the above information)

+ Boeing’s Crew Flight Test (CFT) of the CST-100 Starliner spacecraft is scheduled for Monday, May 6, with a targeted launch time of 10:34 p.m. EDT. Led by Commander Barry “Butch” Wilmore and Pilot Suni Williams, both experienced NASA astronauts, this mission comes after over a decade in development. The duo will spend at least eight days aboard the International Space Station (ISS) conducting various flight test objectives before returning for a solid-ground landing. Wilmore and Williams will be the first humans to fly atop the United Launch Alliance (ULA) Atlas V rocket since 1963 and execute the first “land” landing of a crew-carrying U.S. spacecraft since 2011. Originally not slated for this mission, Wilmore and Williams stepped in after several crew changes, with Williams set to become the first woman to fly the maiden voyage of a new orbital-class vehicle. Deep into pre-flight quarantine, the astronauts express their readiness, acknowledging the challenges and the learning opportunities that lie ahead in this ambitious test flight. (ANS thanks Ben Evans, AmericaSpace, for the above information)

+ On April 25, 2024, Roscosmos cosmonauts Oleg Kononenko and Nikolai Chub conducted a successful spacewalk, lasting four hours and 36 minutes, to install communication and corrosion analysis equipment on the International Space Station (ISS). The spacewalk aimed to deploy a communications system and install equipment to analyze corrosion levels on station surfaces. Kononenko, with seven spacewalks under his belt, and Chub, on his second, completed their tasks, including deploying a panel for a synthetic radar communications system on the Russian segment of the ISS. This mission marked the 270th spacewalk for assembly, maintenance, and upgrades of the space station, with Kononenko and Chub having arrived at the station on September 15, 2023, aboard the Soyuz MS-24 spacecraft. (ANS thanks, for the above information)

+ Two new Galileo navigation satellites were launched from Kennedy Space Center on Saturday, April 27th, at 8:34 p.m. EDT, bolstering the system’s constellation to 30 satellites and amplifying reliability and precision for billions of users globally. Since its inception in 2016, Galileo has been pivotal across various sectors such as rail, maritime, agriculture, and rescue operations, contributing significantly to the EU’s GDP, with 10% reliant on satellite navigation. This launch follows the recent introduction of the new Public Regulated Service signals, further solidifying Europe’s independence in satellite navigation. Notably, this marks the first time Galileo satellites have been launched aboard an American-made rocket, a significant development amid Europe’s diminishing space collaboration with Russia. (ANS thanks the European Space Agency, for the above information)

+ SpaceX’s 30th Dragon cargo mission successfully returned to Earth, splashing down off the coast of Florida in the early hours of April 30th. Departing from the International Space Station on April 28th, the capsule completed its mission under the CRS-30 contract with NASA. Loaded with over 4,100 pounds of supplies and scientific experiments, Dragon is unique in its capability to safely bring gear back from the ISS, unlike other operational spacecraft that burn up upon reentry. This return enables quick transportation of experiments to NASA’s facilities for data collection. Meanwhile, another SpaceX vehicle remains docked at the ISS, supporting the Crew-8 astronaut mission for NASA, launched in early March. (ANS thanks Mike Wall,, for the above information)

Join AMSAT today at

In addition to regular membership, AMSAT offers membership to:

* Societies (a recognized group, clubs or organization).
* Primary and secondary school students are eligible for membership at one-half the standard yearly rate.
* Post-secondary school students enrolled in at least half-time status shall be eligible for the student rate for a maximum of 6 post-secondary years in this status.
* Memberships are available for annual and lifetime terms.

Contact info [at] for additional membership information.

73 and remember to help Keep Amateur Radio in Space!

This week’s ANS Editor, Mitch Ahrenstorff, ADØHJ
ad0hj [at]

ANS-098 AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins

In this edition:

* AMSAT Seeks Volunteers to Assist with 2024 Hamvention AMSAT Booth
* AMSAT AO-109 (Fox-1E) Satellite Sets New Processor Uptime Record
* ESA Unveils Proba-3 Mission: Artificial Solar Eclipses on Demand
* GridMasterMap Satellite Top 100 Rovers April 2024 Rankings
* Changes to AMSAT-NA TLE Distribution for April 5, 2024
* ARISS News
* Upcoming Satellite Operations
* Hamfests, Conventions, Maker Faires, and Other Events
* Satellite Shorts From All Over

The AMSAT News Service bulletins are a free, weekly news and information service of AMSAT, the Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation. ANS publishes news related to Amateur Radio in Space including reports on the activities of a worldwide group of Amateur Radio operators who share an active interest in designing, building, launching and communicating through analog and digital Amateur Radio satellites.

The news feed on publishes news of Amateur Radio in Space as soon as our volunteers can post it.

Please send any amateur satellite news or reports to: ans-editor [at]

You can sign up for free e-mail delivery of the AMSAT News Service Bulletins via the ANS List; to join this list see:

ANS-098 AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins

From: Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation
712 H Street NE, Suite 1653
Washington, DC 20002

DATE 2024 April 07

AMSAT Seeks Volunteers to Assist with 2024 Hamvention AMSAT Booth

With less than six weeks until the 2024 Dayton Hamvention, scheduled for May 17th to May 19th in Xenia, Ohio, excitement mounts for the 72nd installment of this premier gathering for ham operators worldwide. In 2023, attendance surged to 33,861, surpassing both the previous year and pre-pandemic records, indicating growing enthusiasm. The 2024 event, anticipated to draw even larger crowds, will also host the ARRL National Convention.

AMSAT, a key exhibitor, will once again occupy a spacious 1,200 square foot area at Building 1’s north end, known as the Maxim building. This location, ideally situated for its ventilation and access to the outdoor satellite ground station, is perfect for showcasing AMSAT’s exhibits. The booth will feature various attractions, including engineering team members, CubeSatSim, Beginner’s Corner, Youth Initiative, merchandise sales, software demonstrations, and membership sign-ups. Notably, this year’s booth will spotlight the revamped AMSAT Ambassador program, offering opportunities for engagement.

Ruth Willet, KM4LAO, shares her satellite expertise at the AMSAT Dayton Hamvention booth. [Credit: Katie Allen, WY7YL]
AMSAT is actively seeking volunteers to assist with booth activities and invites enthusiasts to dedicate their time. Last year, around 20 volunteers played crucial roles in fostering meaningful interactions with attendees. Volunteers, whether able to commit a few hours or the entire weekend, are warmly encouraged to participate.

Aligned with this year’s theme of “Expanding our Community,” AMSAT aims to strengthen its presence by recruiting new members and volunteers. For those eager to be part of AMSAT’s presence at Dayton Hamvention or request more information about volunteering, Phil Smith, W1EME, AMSAT Hamvention Team Leader, serves as the point of contact. To volunteer or inquire further, individuals can reach out to Phil via email at w1eme [at] Your involvement not only enriches the event but also contributes to the vibrant amateur radio community.

[ANS thanks Phil Smith, W1EME, AMSAT Hamvention Team Leader, for the above information]

AMSAT AO-109 (Fox-1E) Satellite Sets New Processor Uptime Record

AMSAT’s AO-109, also known as Fox-1E, has recently achieved a remarkable milestone. Launched in January 2021, this satellite operates with an 8 mW signal, best suited for CW and FT4 communications among amateur radio enthusiasts. Recent telemetry data from the Dwingeloo Radiotelescope in The Netherlands has revealed an impressive feat: AO-109 has set a new record for processor uptime. This information was gathered by Alan Biddle, WA4SCA, who has meticulously monitored telemetry reports on a daily basis and calculated the duration of each reset, allowing for precise correlation of telemetry frames with UTC time.

The Fox satellites are designed to undergo onboard computer resets triggered by factors like radiation exposure and low battery voltage. Time on these satellites is measured by counting resets plus the duration since the last reset. It is common for the Fox satellites to reset every few days or weeks, especially when passing over the South Atlantic Anomaly. However, the processor on AO-109 has been running continuously since September 2023, accumulating over 18 million seconds of uptime—far surpassing any other Fox satellite.

Launched on January 17, 2021, as part of the ELaNa 20 mission using a LauncherOne rocket operated by Virgin Orbit, AO-109 was carried aloft by a modified Boeing 747 named “Cosmic Girl” from the Mojave Air and Space Port in California, United States. After reaching an altitude of approximately 35,000 feet (11,000 meters), the rocket was released into space. This launch, conducted under NASA’s CubeSat Launch Initiative program, marked the beginning of the satellite’s mission to facilitate amateur radio communications and technology research.

AO-109 (Fox-1E) Satellite is Expected to Re-enter Earth’s Atmosphere in April 2024. [Credit: AMSAT]
AO-109 represents the fifth iteration of the “Fox” 1U amateur radio satellites series developed by AMSAT, featuring a 30KHz linear transponder radio. Upon becoming operational on July 20, 2021, AO-109 embarked on a mission to serve both amateur radio and technology research objectives. Among its key payloads is RadFXSat-2, a collaboration with Vanderbilt University, aimed at studying the effects of space radiation on specific SRAM types. Consistent with the Fox 1A design blueprint, Fox-1E is equipped with a 2-meter whip antenna and a 70 cm whip antenna.

With its anticipated re-entry into Earth’s atmosphere in the coming weeks, users are encouraged to make the most of AO-109 while it’s still operational. Current reports suggest the satellite’s altitude is around 300 km, which is lower than the ISS orbiting altitude of 370–460 km.

[ANS thanks Burns Fisher, WB1FJ, and Alan Biddle, WA4SCA, for the above information]

The 2024 AMSAT President’s Club coins are here now!
Help Support GOLF and Fox Plus

Join the AMSAT President’s Club today and help
Keep Amateur Radio in Space!

ESA Unveils Proba-3 Mission: Artificial Solar Eclipses on Demand

Next week, a celestial spectacle will unfold across North America as millions of people witness a total solar eclipse. Alongside eager spectators, solar physicists worldwide are gearing up for the event, drawn by the opportunity to study the Sun’s enigmatic corona, typically obscured by its intense luminosity. However, thanks to a innovative initiative by the European Space Agency (ESA), sustained examination of the solar corona will soon become feasible through the Proba-3 mission.

In Belgium last week, the European Space Agency revealed the spacecraft pair which constitute the Proba-3 mission. This initiative aims to generate orbital solar eclipses at will, providing researchers with extended periods to scrutinize the Sun’s ethereal corona. The mission comprises two spacecraft: the Occulter and the Coronagraph. Positioned approximately 150 meters apart, these spacecraft will align meticulously with the Sun, with the Occulter casting a shadow onto the Coronagraph, effectively blocking out the Sun’s glare and unveiling the corona.

Dietmar Pilz, ESA’s Director of Technology, Engineering, and Quality, explains, “The two spacecraft will act as if they are one enormous 150-meter-long instrument.” However, achieving such precision poses immense technical challenges. Even the slightest misalignment could disrupt the mission’s efficacy. Consequently, the development process, spearheaded by a consortium of ESA Member States led by Spain and Belgium, has been extensive.

Rendering of Proba-3 Occulter and Coronagraph Spacecraft above Earth [Credit: European Space Agency]
The fundamental concept of generating artificial solar eclipses in orbit isn’t novel. Previous attempts, such as the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project in 1975, have explored similar endeavors. However, Proba-3 seeks to institutionalize this capability through precise formation flying, enabling up to six hours of continuous observation per orbit lasting 19 hours and 36 minutes.

Solar eclipses, a consequence of the fortunate alignment of the Sun and the Moon, unveil the solar corona — a region of profound scientific and practical significance. Significantly hotter than the Sun’s surface, the corona influences space weather, solar wind, and phenomena like coronal mass ejections, which can impact satellite operations and terrestrial communications networks.

Proba-3’s groundbreaking approach involves orchestrating the Occulter and Coronagraph to operate as a unified entity, thus minimizing diffraction effects and maximizing the observation of the corona. This collaboration, facilitated by advanced positioning technologies, promises to unveil the mysteries of the corona within the range of 3 to 1.1 solar radii from the Sun.

Occulter and Coronagraph Spacecraft Undergoing Integration Testing at Redwire’s Belgium Facility [Credit: ESA]
The mission’s autonomy is paramount, with precise formation flying orchestrated autonomously to minimize external perturbations. This autonomy enables the spacecraft to maintain precise alignment for optimal observation of the corona while passively drifting during the remainder of the orbit.

Beyond its scientific implications, the success of Proba-3 could herald a new era of space missions, facilitating endeavors like in-orbit satellite servicing and deploying larger-scale space infrastructure. Moreover, the mission’s instruments, like ASPIICS and the radiometer, hold promise for climate modeling and advancing our understanding of solar dynamics.

As the world awaits the North American total solar eclipse, members of Proba-3’s science team seize the opportunity to test mission hardware. Components like polarizing filter wheels and alternative LED technologies will undergo rigorous examination, further refining the mission’s capabilities.

[ANS thanks the European Space Agency for the above information]

GridMasterMap Satellite Top 100 Rovers April 2024 Rankings

The April 2024 rankings for the Top 100 Rovers (Mixed LEO/MEO/GEO) in satellite operations, as determined by @GridMasterMap on Twitter, has been released. The ranking is determined by the number of grids and DXCC entities activated, taking into account only those grids where a minimum number of QSOs logged on the website have been validated by a third party. Grid numbers do not directly reflect the exact number of activations. Satellite operators are encouraged to upload their LoTW satellite contacts to in order to provide more accurate data.

Updated: 2024-04-02

1 ND9M 26 N5BO 51 SP5XSD 76 FG8OJ
2 NJ7H 27 K8BL 52 AD7DB 77 PT9BM
4 N5UC 29 KE4AL 54 F4DXV 79 KI7UXT
5 UT1FG 30 DL2GRC 55 KE9AJ 80 YU0W
7 DL6AP 32 KB5FHK 57 PA3GAN 82 N4DCW
8 WI7P 33 KI7UNJ 58 N8RO 83 HB9GWJ
10 K5ZM 35 F4BKV 60 KM4LAO 85 N0TEL
11 N6UA 36 N7AGF 61 VE1CWJ 86 VE3GOP
12 N9IP 37 JO2ASQ 62 SM3NRY 87 KI0KB
13 WY7AA 38 XE3DX 63 N4UFO 88 JM1CAX
14 W5PFG 39 K7TAB 64 VA3VGR 89 CU2ZG
15 AK8CW 40 KE0PBR 65 W1AW 90 K0FFY
16 AD0DX 41 KE0WPA 66 VA7LM 91 KG4AKV
17 DP0POL 42 N6DNM 67 PT2AP 92 AF5CC
18 WD9EWK 43 PR8KW 68 M1DDD 93 VE6WK
19 AD0HJ 44 AC0RA 69 DL4EA 94 W8MTB
20 ON4AUC 45 EB1AO 70 AA8CH 95 VE7PTN
21 KX9X 46 JK2XXK 71 N4AKV 96 DK9JC
22 KG5CCI 47 W7WGC 72 LU4JVE 97 K6VHF
23 ND0C 48 EA4NF 73 VE1VOX 98 N6UTC
24 DJ8MS 49 VK5DG 74 W8LR 99 PT9ST
25 F5VMJ 50 AA5PK 75 DF2ET 100 VO2AC

[ANS thanks @GridMasterMap for the above information]

Need new satellite antennas?
Purchase an M2 LEO-Pack from the AMSAT Store!When you purchase through AMSAT, a portion of the proceeds goes towards
Keeping Amateur Radio in Space.

Changes to AMSAT-NA TLE Distribution for April 5, 2024

Two Line Elements or TLEs, often referred to as Keplerian elements or keps in the amateur community, are the inputs to the SGP4 standard mathematical model of spacecraft orbits used by most amateur tracking programs. Weekly updates are completely adequate for most amateur satellites. TLE bulletin files are updated daily in the first hour of the UTC day. New bulletin files will be posted immediately after reliable elements become available for new amateur satellites. More information may be found at

The following satellite has been removed from this week’s AMSAT-NA TLE distribution:

XW-2F NORAD Cat ID 40910 Decayed from orbit on or about 01 April 2024

[ANS thanks AMSAT Orbital Elements page for the above information]


Amateurs and others around the world may listen in on contacts between amateurs operating in schools and allowing students to interact with astronauts and cosmonauts aboard the International Space Station. The downlink frequency on which to listen is 145.800 MHz worldwide.

Recently Completed Contacts

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, FL, direct via NN4ER
The ISS callsign was NA1SS
The crewmember was Matthew Dominick KCØTOR
The ARISS mentor was AJ9N
Contact was successful: Wed 2024-04-03 15:22:17 UTC
Watch the contact at
Congratulations to the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University students, Matthew, NN4ER, mentor AJ9N!

Ryazan State Radio Engineering University, Ryazan, Russia, direct via RK3SWB (***)
The ISS callsign was RSØISS
The crewmember was Oleg Novitskiy
The ARISS mentor was RV3DR
Contact was successful for Wed 2024-04-03 12:30 UTC
Congratulations to the Ryazan State Radio Engineering University students, Oleg, RK3SWB, and mentor RV3DR!

Aznakaevsky District students, Tatarstan, Russia, direct via RC4P
The ISS callsign was RSØISS
The crewmember was Aleksandr Grebyonkin RZ3DSE
The ARISS mentor was RV3DR
Contact was successful: Thu 2024-04-04 10:10 UTC
Congratulations to the Aznakaevsky District students, Aleksandr, mentor RV3DR, and RC4P!

University College of the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad, Russia, direct via R2FDB
The ISS callsign was RSØISS
The crewmember was Marina Vasilevskaya
The ARISS mentor was RV3DR
Contact was successful: Thu 2024-04-04 13:19 UTC
Congratulations to the University College of the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University students, Marina, mentor RV3DR, and R2FDB!

Collège Théodore Monod, Gagny, France, direct via TM2ISS
The ISS callsign was OR4ISS
The crewmember was Matthew Dominick KCØTOR
The ARISS mentor was F6ICS
Contact was successful: Thu 2024-04-04 14:51:07 UTC
Congratulations to the Collège Théodore Monod students!

Upcoming Contacts

Volga State University, Russia, direct via TBD
The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be RSØISS
The scheduled crewmember is Aleksandr Grebyonkin RZ3DSE
The ARISS mentor is RV3DR
Contact is go for Sun 2024-04-07 09:20 UTC

Tooele County School District, Tooele, UT, direct via W7CBL
The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be NA1SS
The scheduled crewmember is Mike Barratt KD5MIJ
The ARISS mentor is AJ9N
Contact is go for: Mon 2024-04-08 17:45:07 UTC

ARTADEMIA, Milano, Italy, AND Scuola Secondaria I grado “A. Moro”, Ponte Lambro (CO), Italy, direct via IK1SLD
The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be OR4ISS
The scheduled crewmember is Jeanette Epps KF5QNU
The ARISS mentor is IZ2GOJ
Contact is go for: Wed 2024-04-10 13:16:48 UTC

The crossband repeater continues to be active (145.990 MHz up {PL 67} & 437.800 MHz down). If any crewmember is so inclined, all they have to do is pick up the microphone, raise the volume up, and talk on the crossband repeater. So give a listen, you just never know.

The packet system is also active (145.825 MHz up & down).

As always, if there is an EVA, a docking, or an undocking; the ARISS radios are turned off as part of the safety protocol.

Note, all times are approximate. It is recommended that you do your own orbital prediction or start listening about 10 minutes before the listed time.

The latest information on the operation mode can be found at

The latest list of frequencies in use can be found at

[ANS thanks Charlie Sufana, AJ9N, one of the ARISS operation team mentors for the above information]

Upcoming Satellite Operations

EL, LIBERIA: Satellite activations include RS-44, IO-117, and QO-100
The Czech DXpedition Team (Petr/OK1BOA, Palo/OK1CRM, Petr/OK1FCJ,
Pavel/OK1GK, Ruda/OK2ZA, Ludek/OK2ZC, Karel/OK2ZI, and David/OK6DJ)
signs A8OK between April 9 and 16 from Liberia. QRV on 160-6m (CW,
SSB, RTTY, PSK, FT8/4) and via satellite. For more information see: and
QSL via OK6DJ OQRS or via LoTW.

(Thanks to DXNL 2400 – April 3, 2024 DX Newsletter)

A growing number of satellite rovers are currently engaged in sharing their grid square activations on By visiting the website, you gain easy access to comprehensive information about the operators responsible for activating specific grid squares. Additionally, you have the ability to assess the match score between yourself and a particular rover for a given pass, while also being able to identify the upcoming satellite passes that are accessible from your location.

[ANS thanks Ian Parsons, K5ZM, AMSAT Rover Page Manager, for the above information]

Hamfests, Conventions, Maker Faires, and Other Events

AMSAT Ambassadors provide presentations, demonstrate communicating through amateur satellites, and host information tables at club meetings, hamfests, conventions, maker faires, and other events.

2024 CubeSat Developer’s Workshop
Tuesday April 23rd – Thursday April 25th
Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, CA

Dayton Hamvention 2024
Friday May 17th – Sunday May 19th
Greene County Fairgrounds and Expo Center
120 Fairground Road
Xenia, OH 45385

Want to fly the colors on your own grid expedition?
Get an AMSAT car flag and other neat stuff from our Zazzle store!
25% of the purchase price of each product goes towards Keeping Amateur Radio in Space

Keeping Amateur Radio in Space

Satellite Shorts From All Over

+ NASA will launch three scientific-sounding rockets into the moon’s shadow on April 8 during a partial solar eclipse across North America, coinciding with a total solar eclipse in certain areas. The project, named Atmospheric Perturbations Around The Eclipse Path (APEP), aims to investigate how the sudden drop in sunlight and temperature during the eclipse affects Earth’s upper atmosphere. Named after the serpent deity from ancient Egyptian mythology, APEP will involve rockets launched from Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia. These rockets, equipped with secondary instruments, will measure changes in electric and magnetic fields, density, and temperature as they penetrate the ionosphere during the eclipse. Understanding these perturbations in the ionosphere is crucial for predicting disturbances that impact satellite communications and ensuring the smooth operation of our communication-dependent world. (ANS thanks Jamie Carter, Senior Contributor, Forbes, for the above information)

+ The final launch of United Launch Alliance’s Delta Heavy IV rocket is scheduled for April 9, marking the end of a 64-year legacy for the Delta family. The highly successful career of the Delta Heavy IV comes to a close as it launches a classified payload, NROL-70, on behalf of the U.S. National Reconnaissance Office (NRO). The NRO, responsible for the country’s surveillance satellites, maintains secrecy about the specifics of its missions. This final launch aims to enhance the NRO’s capabilities in providing intelligence to national decision-makers and supporting global humanitarian efforts. United Launch Alliance plans to retire both the Delta IV Heavy and the Atlas V to pave the way for its new Vulcan Centaur rocket, with the Atlas V scheduled for missions until 2029. The era of the Delta family concludes amidst a transition towards more advanced launch technologies and capabilities. (ANS thanks Brett Tingley, Managing Editor,, for the above information)

+ Despite facing numerous challenges, including malfunctioning temperature sensors and unused battery cells, Japan’s SLIM Moon lander has defied expectations by surviving a second lunar night, despite being in a precarious position with its thrusters pointed upward and solar arrays facing away from the Sun. The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) received a signal from the lander indicating it had restarted after hibernating to avoid freezing temperatures on the Moon’s surface. Initially forced to shut down due to insufficient electricity generation from its solar cells, SLIM has persisted against the odds, reviving itself twice since its landing on January 19. Although not designed to endure the Moon’s harsh conditions, the lander has continued to function, prompting uncertainty about JAXA’s future plans for the resilient spacecraft after it successfully achieved its primary mission goal of a precise lunar landing within a 328-foot radius. (ANS thanks Passant Rabie, Gizmodo, for the above information)

+ China’s Queqiao-2 satellite successfully launched from the Wenchang Space Launch Site on March 20th, reaching lunar orbit after a perilune braking maneuver near the Moon’s surface on March 24th. Positioned to relay communications for future lunar missions, including Chang’e-4 and Chang’e-6, Queqiao-2’s orbit will be adjusted to facilitate these missions and support China’s ambitious lunar exploration program. Accompanying experimental satellites, Tiandu-1 and -2, also entered lunar orbit, conducting tests in communication and navigation. Queqiao-2’s strategic orbit placement in the Moon’s maria region holds significance for China’s lunar exploration history, including past probe landings fifteen years ago on March 1, 2009. China’s lunar missions, aiming to scout resources and establish a lunar base, signify a substantial endeavor parallel to NASA’s Artemis Program, which plans to establish a sustained presence on the Moon with international collaboration. (ANS thanks Matt Williams, Universe Today, for the above information)

Join AMSAT today at

In addition to regular membership, AMSAT offers membership to:

* Societies (a recognized group, clubs or organization).
* Primary and secondary school students are eligible for membership at one-half the standard yearly rate.
* Post-secondary school students enrolled in at least half-time status shall be eligible for the student rate for a maximum of 6 post-secondary years in this status.
* Memberships are available for annual and lifetime terms.

Contact info [at] for additional membership information.

73 and remember to help Keep Amateur Radio in Space!

This week’s ANS Editor, Mitch Ahrenstorff, ADØHJ
ad0hj [at]