2013 AMSAT-NA Board of Directors Ballot In The Mail

This year there are eight candidates running for the AMSAT-NA Board of Directors.  The four candidates receiving the highest number of votes will be seated as voting Board Members with two year terms.  The two candidates receiving the next highest number of votes will be non-voting Alternate Board Members with terms of one year.  Please vote for no more than four candidates.

Ballots will be mailed to members in good standing by July 15th, and must be returned to the AMSAT-NA office no later than the close of business on September 15th, 2013. If you have not received your ballot by August 5th, please contact the AMSAT Office. Ballots sent to members outside North America are automatically sent via air mail.  It is suggested that they be returned the same way.

AMSAT-NA Board candidates in alphabetical order by last name:

Barry Baines, WD4ASW
Alan Biddle, WA4SCA
Steve Coy, K8UD
Frank Griffin, K4FEG
Mark Hammond, N8MH
Brian Klofas, KF6ZEO
JoAnne Maenpaa, K9JKM
Tony Monteiro, AA2TX

[ANS thanks the AMSAT Office for the above information]

Patrick Stoddard, WD9EWK, Named AMSAT’s Director of Field Operations

Patrick, WD9EWK (left), discusses his dual FT-817 travel setup with Wyatt, AC0RA (right). Photo: www.w5pfg.us.

AMSAT President Barry Baines, WD4ASW has announced the appointment of Patrick Stoddard, WD9EWK as AMSAT’s new Director of Field Operations. In his new capacity, Patrick is responsible for managing AMSAT’s corps of Area Coordinators (AC) who represent AMSAT in their local areas. Area Coordinators serve as the “Ambassadors of AMSAT” which includes such activities as manning an AMSAT booth at hamfests, giving local/regional club presentations on AMSAT and satellite operations, and serving as “Elmers” to those looking for information about operating through satellites. ACs are also known to establish local nets and assist with Field Day satellite activities.

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HAM Video DATV for the ISS Announced by ARISS

ARISS-Europe Chairman Gaston Bertels, ON4WF has drafted an overview of a new “Ham Video” DATV downlink system on S-Band being developed for placement on the International Space Station later this year.  The equipment is being developed by Kayser Italia under contract with the European Space Agency using a Canon XF-305 camera provided by NASA. The equipment is currently slated for deployment to the ISS on Japan Space Agency’s HTV-4 in August 2013. HTV is Japan’s H-II Transfer Vehicle for resupplying the International Space Station.

Gaston’s paper provides an overview of both the equipment that is being placed on the ISS as well as discusses ground station requirements.  The ESA contract calls for Kayser Italia to provide five ground stations for placement in Europe that will be “chained” to provide overlapping video reception coverage, with the British Amateur Television Club (BATC) serving as a central server site for receiving video from these ground stations and making it freely available to others via the internet.  It is hoped that amateurs will support other ground station “chains” in other countries as multiple stations are needed to provide up to 15 minutes of video in support of school contacts.


ANS thanks Gaston Bartels, ON4WF for this information

Barry Baines, WD4ASW Interview with Amateur Radio Newsline

(L-R) AMSAT President Barry Baines, WD4ASW, ARRL CEO Dave Sumner, K1ZZ, and AMSAT Vice President Engineering Tony Monteiro, AA2TX with the Fox-1 engineering model at the 2013 Dayton Hamvention. (KB1SF photo) Click on image to enlarge.

The weekly broadcast of the Amateur Radio Newsline interviewed AMSAT President Barry Baines, WD4ASW at the Dayton Hamvention about the Fox-1 cubesat and the current situation in working with ITAR regulations. This is included in Amateur Radio Newsline Report 1868, dated May 31 2013 and carried on-the-air during many nets and amateur radio news reports. Here is a transcript of the interview with Barry, titled, “HAMVENTION 2013:  PART 2 – WRAPPING IT UP”, by Amateur Radio Newsline’s Stephan Kinford, N8WB:

“While most tend to report on the Dayton Hamvention based on number of attendees and new equipment released or at least previewed, there is a lot more to this annual gathering. This is also a place where breaking news is first reported and according to AMSAT North America President Barry Baines, WD4ASW, hams involved in space communications had at least two things to smile about. The first was the announcement of a launch commitment for one of the group’s newest birds.

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