
Education has always been part of AMSAT’s mission. Sharing our passion for amateur radio and space is an excellent way to do educational outreach for STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Math) education. AMSAT educational outreach takes many different forms including: Outreach within the ham radio community and the public by AMSAT Ambassadors: to provide instructive … Read more

A Brief History of AMSAT

by Keith Baker, KB1SF/VA3KSF and Dick Jansson, KD1K AMSAT is a worldwide group of Amateur Radio Operators (Hams) who share an active interest in building, launching and then communicating with each other through non-commercial Amateur Radio satellites.  By any measure, AMSAT’s track record has been impressive.  Since its founding…now over 40 years ago… AMSAT has … Read more

Barry Baines, WD4ASW Interview with Amateur Radio Newsline

The weekly broadcast of the Amateur Radio Newsline interviewed AMSAT President Barry Baines, WD4ASW at the Dayton Hamvention about the Fox-1 cubesat and the current situation in working with ITAR regulations. This is included in Amateur Radio Newsline Report 1868, dated May 31 2013 and carried on-the-air during many nets and amateur radio news reports. … Read more

May/June 2013 AMSAT Journal is Ready

The May/June 2013 AMSAT Journal is complete and at the print shop now. Look for your issue to arrive in the mail soon! Here is a sample of what you will find in this issue:  AMSAT Announcements Apogee View by Barry Baines, WD4ASW Amateur Radio in Space Triggers Young Visitor by Maurice-André Vigneault, VE3VIG AMSAT-NA … Read more