Upcoming Satellite Operations

Upcoming Roves:

Quick hits:


+ Posted July 23rd by @SeanKutzko KX9X, on X (formerly Twitter): A reminder that I’m leaving for Hawaii this Friday! Will be on SSB / FM sats *holiday style* plus maybe some QRP FT8. No GreenCube, sorry. Will post passes here and to https://hams.at soon. #HamRadio @AMSAT #AMSAT

+ Posted July 21st by @W8LR_Jerry, on X (formerly Twitter): EM57/58 and EM67/68 are still planned for Aug 2/3. Please check http://hams.at and @W8LR_Jerry for updates. As I mentioned two months ago EM85 in TN will now be in my travel schedule beginning in Sept. I was just notified today. I will be doing FM/Linear/GC when there. More later.

+ Posted July 25th by @AD0HJ, on X (formerly Twitter): Work trip coming up the first full week of August in Fort Collins, Colorado. Will make stops on the EN02/EN03 | DN82/DN92 grid lines on the drive out. DN90/DN91 | EN20/EN30 grid lines on the way back. RS-44 satellite passes in the evenings. Posted at http://hams.at.

+ Jonathan @N4AKV_ has posted an ambitious August roving schedule on his qrz.com page. Tentative plans for a major satellite and 6m road trip through Maine, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, and St. Pierre and Miquelon this summer. Satellite passes listed on https://hams.at for the next week include grid squares FN43, FN53, and GN16.

Major Roves:


FP/N4AKV will be on IO-117 on August 8. See hams.at for details.

A growing number of satellite rovers are currently engaged in sharing their grid square activations on https://hams.at. By visiting the website, you gain easy access to comprehensive information about the operators responsible for activating specific grid squares. Additionally, you have the ability to assess the match score between yourself and a particular rover for a given pass, while also being able to identify the upcoming satellite passes that are accessible from your location.

Please submit any additions or corrections to k5zm (at) comcast (dot) net.

Updated 26 July 2024 @ 1730z