AO-92 Commissioned, Open for Amateur Use

On the 03:25 UTC pass on January 26, 2018, AMSAT Vice President – Engineering Jerry Buxton, N0JY, announced that AO-92 had been commissioned and formally turned the satellite over to AMSAT Operations. AMSAT Vice President – Operations Drew Glasbrenner, KO4MA, then declared that AO-92 was now open for amateur use. Audio of the handover and … Read more

Getting Ready for Fox-1D

Introduction AMSAT’s next Fox-1 satellite, Fox-1D, is scheduled for launch on January 12, 2018 from Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota, India. Fox-1D will launch as part of the PSLV-C40 mission on board a Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle with a Cartosat-2 series imaging satellite for the Indian government and 29 other payloads. ISRO’s mission brochure … Read more

AMSAT Rover Award

1. The AMSAT Rover award is granted to stations who achieve a combined 25 points using any combination of the following achievements: 1 base point for each grid square activated outside your home grid square using a single-channel FM satellite transponder. 2 base points for each grid square activated outside your home grid square using … Read more

Apogee View – September/October 2017

September/October 2017 Barry Baines, WD4ASW, President September is always a busy month as summer ends, schools reopen, football season starts, and the transition to fall begins. In the first two weeks of September, I had the opportunity to interact with AMSAT members at two different venues. Over the Labor Day weekend, John Kludt, K4SQC and … Read more