Apogee View – March/April 2021

Robert Bankston, KE4AL, President It has been six months since I was elected president of AMSAT, so I thought this would be an excellent time to bring you up-to-date on what we have been working on and what we have accomplished. In my initial address to the Board of Directors, I laid out my plan … Read more

AMSAT President Urges Members to Renew/Donate Now

AMSAT President Clayton Coleman, W5PFG, has put out a call for new and renewing AMSAT members to act now and register online. Coleman says, “All things considered, cancellation of Hamvention 2020 was the right thing to do and we recognize the difficult decision that the Dayton Amateur Radio Association Executive Committee had to make.” “The … Read more

Apogee View – May/June 2019

Joe Spier, K6WAO, President As I write this installment of Apogee View, I have just returned from Hamvention 2019. Before I report on all the AMSAT functions at Xenia, I’d like to take a moment to remind all AMSAT members of your importance to this organization. This is AMSAT’s 50th Anniversary, and AMSAT has existed … Read more

Apogee View – May/June 2018

May/June 2018 Joe Spier, K6WAO, President As I write this installment of Apogee View, I am less than 24 hours from boarding my flight to Hamvention 2018. I’m looking forward to meeting all my AMSAT friends and making new acquaintances at the Greene County Fair Grounds in Xenia, OH. I guess there is something to … Read more