HO-107 (HuskySat-1) Telemetry - All-Time Leaders

HO-107 (HuskySat-1) | latest spacecraft health | whole orbit data
Frames: 540,245 - last 24 hours: 0 - last 90 mins: 0
From ground stations:

NumGround stationFSK FramesPSK FramesLast 7 days
1 WA7FWF 050,581 0
2 N8MH 040,082 0
3 wc7v-dn46 032,668 0
4 WA4SCA 032,630 0
5 KI7RM 031,560 0
6 W7KKE 031,088 0
7 KB6LTY 024,695 0
8 WB1FJ-main 019,797 0
9 K4OZS 018,914 0
10 W0DHB 018,324 0
11 G7WIQ 016,986 0
12 KE0LX 014,364 0
13 KB2M 013,511 0
14 JA1GDE 012,936 0
15 VK5EI 012,869 0
16 N1HMT 012,716 0
17 K7NWS 011,649 0
18 VK2DWT 010,397 0
19 IV3RYQ - JN65 08,150 0
20 JH1OKL 07,799 0
21 VK5HI 07,588 0
22 UY0LL 06,834 0
23 JA0CAW 06,722 0
24 F6OBT 06,656 0
25 PA5MB 05,846 0
26 EU1XX 04,952 0
27 JA6PL 04,106 0
28 AC2CZ 04,048 0
29 G0ABI 03,861 0
30 KD9ISN 02,942 0
31 k9uo 02,922 0
32 WO3T 02,901 0
33 SV3CIX 02,654 0
34 PY2SDR 02,615 0
35 N9CQQ 02,444 0
36 WB0IZO 02,439 0
37 W2RTV 02,428 0
38 VK5KJP 02,251 0
39 W7QL 02,160 0
40 AB9V 01,970 0
41 FIAB-Oahu 01,872 0
42 N0JY 01,834 0
43 K9JKM 01,797 0
44 K3RLD-Shack 01,692 0
45 JE1CVL 01,674 0
46 KO4MA 01,629 0
47 KB9LTE 01,626 0
48 W5SAT 01,620 0
49 WB4SON 01,598 0
50 WB1FJ-Pi4 01,589 0
51 K9EK-FIAB 01,557 0
52 JA3FWT 01,552 0
53 VU2LBW 01,477 0
54 IZ6WLW 01,425 0
55 N3CRT 01,414 0
56 N2WWD 01,316 0
57 JA5BLZ 01,121 0
58 W7YED 01,061 0
59 KC9ELU 01,010 0
60 JA1OGZ 0979 0
61 DV2JB 0746 0
62 JH1NCT 0635 0
63 VE7FSB 0628 0
64 K9EK_HuskySat 0600 0
65 CX8AF 0510 0
66 DK3WN 0489 0
67 WA8EBM 0454 0
68 K0DSP 0394 0
69 VK3HBF 0325 0
70 SP3MCY 0284 0
71 lu4eou 0281 0
72 IK7HTB 0276 0
73 YB3MBN 0276 0
74 EA5WA 0274 0
75 BX2ABT 0270 0
76 Fox-in-a-box_HI 0225 0
77 PY4ZBZ 0224 0
78 K5HS 0210 0
79 IK8XLD 0204 0
80 IZ1ERR 0203 0
81 PU7ORD 0171 0
82 JH4XSY/1 0160 0
83 K4KDR-FM17 0157 0
84 K0CFI 0156 0
85 IW6NXR 0154 0
86 VK1DSH 0121 0
87 SQ3MQD 0120 0
88 CT1EIF 0117 0
89 G7GQW 0101 0
90 WA7EE 098 0
91 VE3HOA 091 0
92 KB0VBZ 088 0
93 3B8DU 084 0
94 G3VZV_auto 074 0
95 LU2FSC 069 0
96 KJ7LNE 064 0
97 HB9WDF 064 0
98 exKH6BQH 060 0
99 PA5OXW 059 0
100 YD1SCC 059 0
101 IK8OZV 059 0
102 K6FVC 055 0
103 KG4AKV 049 0
104 N6RFM 046 0
105 KC7IGT 045 0
106 WA2NDV 045 0
107 K4RGK 035 0
108 JA8TCH 034 0
109 KA2ENE 034 0
110 JO1PTD 032 0
111 F4EKP 028 0
112 W2MMD 027 0
113 EA4SG 027 0
114 VK5EI_FIAB 026 0
115 JA1HCB 026 0
116 N7ASZ 024 0
117 JE9PEL 020 0
118 9W2GEE 019 0
119 SM0TGU 019 0
120 PE0SAT 013 0
121 Stately Smith Manor 012 0
122 K7ADI 012 0
123 AI4Y 010 0
124 9W2NCS 010 0
125 K7CIP 09 0
126 KF5SMH 09 0
127 W2JTM 08 0
128 W3FGP 05 0
129 ZL3GAV 05 0
130 WY4D 04 0
131 VK3ASC 04 0
132 DL6KBG 03 0
133 n0qfq 03 0
134 W4BCX 02 0
135 KA7FVV 02 0
136 G3YWA 02 0
137 Fox-in-a-box-Hawaii 02 0
138 E29AHU 02 0
139 DB1VQ 01 0
140 K7CJ 01 0
141 W1EME 01 0
142 Harry Ditto 01 0
143 ZB2GI 01 0
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FoxTelem is the program you use to decode the data transmissions from the AMSAT Fox-1, LTM and GOLF series of spacecraft. It will decode, store and allow analysis of telemetry and onboard experiments.

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Help and Tutorials:

FoxTelem comes with a manual which you can find from the Help menu. It covers the basics, but Software Defined Radio, Digital Signal processing and telemetry are non trivial topics. It's relatively easy to decode the first few frames, but you can spend a lifetime perfecting your ground station. These articles are aimed at taking you a step beyond the basics.

Costas Loop or Dot Product Decoder for BPSK
Earth Plots Tutorial - What they are and how to plot them
Analyze your QTH with SKY PLOTs to see how well you are receving
Use FoxTelem to analyze the received telemetry with graphs
How to write a Software Defined Radio - SDR and DSP Tutorial