FOX Telemetry - Monthly Leaders

AO-91 (Fox-1B/RadFxSat) | latest spacecraft health
Frames: 9,178,507 - last 24 hours: 0 - last 90 mins: 0
From ground stations:

MESAT-1 | latest spacecraft health | whole orbit data
Frames: 108,857 - last 24 hours: 772 - last 90 mins: 86
From ground stations:

NumGround stationFSK FramesPSK FramesLast 30 daysLast 7 days
1 WA7FWF 05,471 5,471 1,455
2 VK2ZAZ 03,579 3,579 733
3 N8MH 02,994 2,994 599
4 K4OZS 01,379 1,379 66
5 JA1GDE 0877 877 215
6 HB9WDF 0743 743 450
7 K9JKM 0575 575 84
8 JA5BLZ 0540 540 122
9 KB5SQG 0415 415 105
10 WB1FJ_main 0406 406 208
11 KB8CR 0371 371 17
12 JA1HCB 0262 262 108
13 K5WH 0174 174 74
14 HB9AKP 0159 159 60
15 WB5SVE 0150 150 28
16 IZ1ERR 084 84 24
17 PY4ZBZ 067 67 4
18 BX1AD 047 47 0
19 Fox-in-a-box_HI 032 32 16
20 SA5JUS 019 19 0
21 EU1SAT 09 9 0
22 W3FGP 08 8 0
23 DL7NDR 03 3 0
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| Include Ground station:


FoxTelem is the program you use to decode the data transmissions from the AMSAT Fox-1, LTM and GOLF series of spacecraft. It will decode, store and allow analysis of telemetry and onboard experiments.

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Help and Tutorials:

FoxTelem comes with a manual which you can find from the Help menu. It covers the basics, but Software Defined Radio, Digital Signal processing and telemetry are non trivial topics. It's relatively easy to decode the first few frames, but you can spend a lifetime perfecting your ground station. These articles are aimed at taking you a step beyond the basics.

Costas Loop or Dot Product Decoder for BPSK
Earth Plots Tutorial - What they are and how to plot them
Analyze your QTH with SKY PLOTs to see how well you are receving
Use FoxTelem to analyze the received telemetry with graphs
How to write a Software Defined Radio - SDR and DSP Tutorial

Silent spacecraft memorial

Notable Image from AO-92

Image from spacecraft AO-92 (Fox-1D)
AO-85 (Fox-1A) | latest spacecraft health
Frames: 6,411,349 - last 24 hours: 0 - last 90 mins: 0
From ground stations:

AO-95 (Fox-1Cliff) | latest spacecraft health | Camera Images
Frames: 689,321 - last 24 hours: 0 - last 90 mins: 0
From ground stations:

AO-92 (Fox-1D) | latest spacecraft health | Camera Images
Frames: 7,316,883 - last 24 hours: 0 - last 90 mins: 0
From ground stations:

AO-109 (Fox-1E/RadFxSat2) | latest spacecraft health | whole orbit data
Frames: 3,570 - last 24 hours: 0 - last 90 mins: 0
From ground stations:

HO-107 (HuskySat-1) | latest spacecraft health | whole orbit data
Frames: 540,245 - last 24 hours: 0 - last 90 mins: 0
From ground stations: