SB SAREX @ AMSAT $STS-71.003 SAREX Element Set JSC 010 Below is STS-71 set 10 for your information. This element set is provided by John Nickel, WD5EEV, AMSAT Assistant to the Vice President for Manned Space Programs. STS-71 1 23600U 95181.61395164 .00025000 00000-0 25599-3 0 104 2 23600 51.6491 90.4944 0004477 136.9040 223.2270 15.57126441 457 Satellite: STS-71 Catalog number: 23600 Epoch time: 95181.61395164 = (30-Jun-95 14:44:05.42 UTC) Element set: 010 Inclination: 51.6491 deg RA of node: 90.4944 deg Space Shuttle Flight STS-71 Eccentricity: .0004477 Keplerian element set JSC-010 Arg of perigee: 136.9040 deg from NASA flight Day 3 vector Mean anomaly: 223.2270 deg Mean motion: 15.57126441 rev/day Gil Carman Decay rate: 2.5000e-04 rev/day^2 NASA Johnson Space Center Epoch rev: 45 Checksum: 258 Submitted by Frank H. Bauer, KA3HDO for the SAREX Working Group /EX