Satgen 623 Doppler Revisited by GM4IHJ (BID SGEN623) 2001-03-03 As Amateur Radio is forced out of VHF and UHF frequencies by the steady encroachment of new " must have " commercial gadgets, which by definition " must also have ", amateur radios long cherished frequencies. There is an inescapable tendency to move what is left of amateur radio still higher and higher in frequency. Which for satellite users means dealing with several new problems, not the least of which is previously unheard of doppler shifts of frequency. Study of a set of rough examples of the doppler shift and rates of change experienced when using low earth orbit LEO sats, produces the following approximate values of total frequency shift to be expected on a near overheadf LEO satellite pass, together with the very important maximum rate of change of frequency, encountered as the satellite makes its closest approach to your station. Wavelength Frequency Approx total Shift Approx Leo maxrate -ve near Leo pass CPA -ve change 10m 29Mhz 900 Hz 17Hz/sec 2m 144Mhz 3.9 Khz 83Hz/sec 70cm 450Mhz 11 Khz 250Hz/sec 23cm 1260Mhz 31 Khz 700Hz/sec 12cm 2400Mhz 60 Khz 1360Hz/sec 5cm 5850Mhz 140 Khz 3140Hz/sec 3cm 10Ghz 250 Khz 5020Hz/sec 12mm 24Ghz 650 Khz 12000Hz/sec Note.. These results do not apply to Phase 3 elliptical orbiting high altitude apogee, satellites. They experience much smaller doppler shifts and rates, particularly during their lengthy time near apogee. In addition please note that doppler shift from elliptical orbiters is often positive . Only going negative doppler shift when passing through perigee. Unlike LEOsats where doppler shift is always negative when the satellite is above your horizon. Even at frequencies as low as 450 Mhz, doppler rate of change during an overhead pass defeats many SSB voice operators. Although SSB doppler can be followed on passes near your station horizon when the doppler shift is much reduced and equally important that is where the DX stations will be encountered. At other modulation modes eg CW doppler at 450 Mhz can be followed more easily . While at 450Mhz PSK automatic frequency control AFC can be used to provide steady tracking of the signal. The use of subtractive mixing at the satellites transponder ( 2m up doppler subtracts from 70cm down doppler), does reduce the problems somewhat. But at higher frequencies some form of AFC is desirable provided the signal type provides a carrier for the AFC to track. Knowing which way the doppler is going to go and how much it will change, does help. Several versions of satellite tracking software calculate the shift for you and allow you to manually or in some cases automatically correct for it. Not all software versions are accurate enough to deal with frequencies from 1260 Mhz upwards.You can get a guide to the software accuracy by noting whether its predictions are irregular minute by minute, or ( on good software) are smooth. Better still you can check it on a near overhead pass.