Satgen605 29MHz sats FM Menace by GM4IHJ (BID SGEN605) 2000-10-28 Despite the fact that this solar cycle peak is not producing much super terrestrial DX on 6m and 10m. It is bringing out the worst of the "FM splash all over the band merchants", and such is their destructive potential that they have almost completely ruined any chance of sub horizon DX on satellite RS13s 29.458 to 29.5 MHz downlink. This is a great pity because RS13 has been putting signals into UK almost every day , as it has passed south of Australia and New Zealand . Unfortunately the weak satellite downlink is no match for the 30 over nine FM, spreading over many kilohertz of the satellite downlink. A problem made all the worse because the bandplan frequencies designated for FM just below 29.3 MHz have been empty whilst this FM QRM was present. Once strong FMers take over a frequency the rest gather round in droves . Probably because they are the sort of radio amateurs who do not even know there is a recommended bandplan. Operating procedure is also somewhat quaint . Eg 9H replying after lengthy monologue from G . " Given the state of the band I missed a lot of that". Which as you will not be surprised to hear was followed by an even longer second over from the G. It is appreciated that wise Europeans will say that it will all be OK when we get S band. But the kids here cannot afford S band . So what can we do ? Certainly we can try to get the word out to the FMers , who are probably totally unaware of the devastation this mixing of modes causes. If you know G4XSM, G0AOI , 9HIDE and EA7FET , you might please remind them about the reason for band plans. They are not the only folks concerned. But if we can get some of the FMers aware of the problem , it might just be possible to get some good sub horizon satellite DX on 10m before it disappears for another 11 years. REQUIEM FOR MIR. It was stated somewhat tentatively ( and as it turned out incorrectly), in Satgen 604. That the Mir space station might be a good 143.625 MHz downlink during year 2001. But on the day that Satgen appeared , the Russian authorities stated finally and firmly that far from operating in 2001, Mir will be de orbited. Not surprising really. All the talk of it becoming " A prize trip for a TV Games Show contestant", did seem rather over the top. Would anyone really want to camp out for a week in the equivalent of a 14 year old fire damaged leaky automobile, at an altitude of 1,000,000 ft ? The Russians have done a superb job of keeping it working this long. Most of us trade in our tin after 10 years on the road , ( or far less, the IHJ average over 40 years is , 5 vehicles at about 8 years or less ). So the Russian record is outstanding. Indeed between 1960 and 1986 there were 7 stations in the Salyut series, before Mir came along. Yes Mir will be missed. No more chats with the Sable Island guardships. No more serenades from Romenenko or broadcasts of his engineer companions heart beats. Lets hope ISS is just as interesting. But let Mir RIP, with our grateful thanks.