Satgen 499 Magnetism Pt6 by GM4IHJ (BID SGEN499) 1998-10-17 The "REMANENT" magnetism of volcanic material mentioned in Satgen498, is a good guide to the direction and strength of the earth's magnetic field when the volcanoes were active, and their magnetic lava cooled through its "Curie" point temperature and fixed its magnetic field. Inspection of old volcanoes around the world has given us a good picture of magnetic activity , through several field reversals stretching back about 60 million years . But before that time there seems to have been a period of constant unvarying magnetic polarity going back for many millions of years. So while modern science can tell us quite a lot about earth magnetism, the major features of reversals and their spasmodic timing are definitely not yet understood. Nor do we even know why, during periods of fixed polarity , the actual location of the magnetic dip poles wanders around the Arctic and Antarctic, in cycles taking hundreds of years. Big changes such as reversals of polarity , seem to signal their coming by a very slow many thousand year decline in field strength. But once the decline flips into reversal the climb back up to normal field strength in the new direction is very fast, remaining at peak for several thousand years before starting the slow decline to a new reversal. Considered over long term ( millions of years ) , the earths magnetic field is presently at an unusually high level. So we are unlikely to see much change in our life times except slow dip pole drift. Several authors have pointed out that the earths magnetic field protects us from the relatively high radiation flux (circa 50rad/year) from space. But they then go on to suggests protecting space ships beyond the earth in a similar magnetic field. This is a mistake , noting that it is the earths atmosphere which is our best protection. Magnetic field protection for astronauts would need to be much stronger in field strength than the earths field, and we do not know if the high levels of field strength required would be deleterious to human beings - a case of the cure , possibly being worse than the disease. PS DRACONIDS/GIACOBINIDS METEOR SHOWER. Have had lots of mail and reports about this "Non Event". At IHJ there was a strong event but not at the time forecast for good evening viewing. 8th Oct 0600z moderate enhancement of usual morning random meteors 0950z Meteor shower had started almost continuous small pings 1223z Continuous mix of big and small pings until about 1600z 1612z Shower activity decreasing fast 1730z activity almost ceased Observations were made by radio using a group of European TV video carriers around 48.250 MHz as the signal sources, with meteor trail reflections being received via a 6m antenna feeding a Drake R8E receiver. Audio from the receiver being fed to a computer sound card and AF9Ys FFTDSP software.