Satgen 497 Magnetism Pt4 by GM4IHJ (BID SGEN497) 1998-10-03 Satgen496 described the way radiation belts are present where the earths magnetic field "bottles up" radiation overhead equatorial and temperate regions. Because of the misalignment of the field relative to the earths rotation axis, radiation over the South Atlantic near Brazil is much more of a problem than elsewhere. Just how serious this is, was revealed when the Uosat series of Amateur radio satellites were launched to orbits around 700kms mean altitude, carrying large complements of semiconductors and microchips to support their the experimental "store and forward" message capability. The computers aboard the satellites carried hardware and software to correct errors in memory caused by radiation induced flips of single bits of data. Soon after launch , it became clear that the error correcting system had to be turned up to its maximum design speed to ensure that the memory was WASHED/REFRESHED and ERROR CORRECTED fast enough to keep the system viable . The culprit was the South Atlantic Radiation Anomaly - the name given to the abnormally low radiation belt alignment over and near Brazil. In this situation satellites in 700 km altitude orbits clock up a radiation dose of about 1 rad per day. Almost all of which is due to their 5 or 6 orbits which take them through the anomaly. Humans die if they acquire a cumulative dose of somewhere between 350 and 600 rads. Hence the much lower orbit of Mir, never going above 400 kms with its human cargo. Most commercial semiconductor junctions made today can survive about 10k rad before expiring - a level reached by a satellite orbiting at around 1300 kms in about 5 or 6 years. So contrary to, much common knowledge ? The low earth orbit is not a benign , safe, place. Indeed it is actually safer to be out in the geostationary orbit far beyond the Van Allen Radiation Belts. Where, geosats orbit inside the protection of the earths magnetic field for most of the time except when strong solar storms throw out a powerfully augmented solar wind which temporarily pushes in the magnetic field exposing geosats on the sunward side of the earth to the solar bombardment. Fortunately this solar wind is mostly light weight particles - protons and electrons unlike some of the cosmic ray induced heavier particles which can be trapped in the radiation belts Other planets generally have magnetic fields commensurate with their size. Planets smaller than Earth are not big enough to support a central dynamo in a molten core . So their magnetism is usually only a weak relic of the general field in which they cooled at their birth ( known as Remanent Magnetism).So these planets have no radiation belts , but they are poorly protected from cosmic radiation circa 50 rad/year. By contrast mighty Jupiter has a massive magnetic field and deadly radiation belts. Belts which are made worse by the output from Io , Jupiters highly volcanic inner moon. Io's constant output of sulphur forms a giant radiation torus around its orbit . Entering the radiation zones around Jupiter/Io is not recommemnded.