Satgen495 Magnetism Pt2 by GM4IHJ (BID SGEN495) 1998-09-19 The magnetic field of the earth gives us excellent protection from most charged particle bombardment coming in from space. Without it we would probably not survive for long. Bombardment by the Solar wind can however, sometimes, penetrate the magnetic field for some considerable distance - PROVIDED - that the polarity of the incoming solar wind magnetic polarity is opposite to that of the earth. By contrast , same polarity solar wind is repelled. Once inside the outer sections of the magnetic field , opposite polarity solar wind can take the easy route down between the magnetic field lines to the earths polar regions , causing aurora. Noting that charged particle are impeded when they try to cross field lines , but they can move freely between/parallel to field lines. Unfortunately Geosats orbiting 36000 kms sunwards of the earth are not even safe if the solar wind polarity is the same as the earths. The force of the solar wind can compress the earths magnetic field inwards, pushing it in past the sunside geosats, which then have to withstand its full fury. A situation which can cause geosat failure in some circumstances. When the solar wind polarity is opposite to that of the earth , and it penetrates the magnetic field protecting the earth, it has not as yet been known to cause any low earth orbit satellites sudden failure. But the production of aurora over sub polar regions can temporarily affect satellite performance. Whereby satellite on the same side of the aurora as your station, can get multiple signals, one clear tone direct, the others at varying doppler shifts reflected or scattered by the aurora back to your station. When the satellite is the other side of the aurora from your station , severe signal scintillation and doppler broadening of bandwidth may occur if the signal path to you transits the auroral zone. Auroral disturbance rarely rises up to satellite height ( above 500kms or more ), but the auroral curtain at heights between 80 and 200 kms often intercepts the satellite signal path. Even geostationary satellite signals at VHF and low UHF can be reflected / refracted / scattered by aurora back to your station, but the doppler shift on the auroral signals usually places it well clear of the clean direct signal. On its own behalf , without the aid of the solar wind , the earths magnetic field is central to another form of VHF propagation -FAI Field Aligned Irregularities. FAIs are collections of charged particles, sometimes, but not always connected with the beginings or ends of Sporadic E events. The particles are constrained temporarily in thin sheets between the earths magnetic field lines. Eg Over the equator the field lines are horizontal , so the FAI regions are horizontal acting as trans equatorial message propagators/conductors. But away from the equator the magnetic field lines are say (over Scotland) dipping down into the earth at about 57 degrees , so FAI patches over Scotland slope at 57 degrees - to point almost directly towards the true magnetic pole's location in the earths core, where the earths self sustaining magnetic dynamo, is located.