Satgen494 Magnetism Pt1 by GM4IHJ (BID SGEN494) 1998-09-12 There are two well established ways to produce a magnetic field :- a. Any electric current carries with it a magnetic field b. Some materials have the property of being attracted by , or , acquiring the properties of a magnet. The earth is a magnet of the first type, in that its central core is electrified and it is in motion. A changing electrical field cannot exist without magnetism, ie magnetic forces and electrical forces are attributal to one field, as two different aspects of the same thing. So the earth is a powerful magnet, and we talk about it as having magnetic poles at its surface. Although this is not absolutely correct , the poles are down on the core, we just encounter the manifestation of them at the surface. Just to complicate things a little more, the earth is not a simple dipole magnet. The dynamo effect producing magnetism in the core is rather like a multipolar machine. There is a strong dipole pair but in addition there are at least 3 more pairs of poles, albeit a lot weaker than the main poles. So the earth is perhaps better described as octopolar. Even worse the dynamo action is not fixed . So the poles move relatively slowly with time. Seen from Scotland the magnetic pole is moving slowly into line with the rotation pole and could line up in about 26 years time . Please note however this simply means north from Scotland will briefly be the same for magnetic bearing and rotation pole bearing. The two poles will be in line as seen from Scotland but they will not be coincident, they will simply lie at different ranges along the same azimuth bearing. As viewed from other locations they will not be in line . So users of magnetic compasses must check with their local authority (Eg Ordnance Survey in UK, US Geological Survey in USA ,the British name is a relict from the fact that Army Gunners were the first to make useful maps, back before there was a USA). When contemplating long periods of earth history the problem of earth magnetism is much more complex. In the last 4 million years the field has reversed completely several times. So that some one using a compass needle mmagnetised north south, would find that unlike now when we use the north pole of a compass needle to point towards what we call the north magnetic pole ( actually the north attracting pole), at a time of reverse earth magnetism the polarities were completely opposite to the present line up. A subject most folks can happily ignore for much of the time , but which can have very obvious local effects for us if we locate near old rocks heavily magnetised millions of years ago, and still heavily magnetised today thereby producing strong local magnetic anomalies. About which more in later parts of this discourse. For now it is enough to know that when your magnetic compass needle points at the pole it is not pointing at the earth surface magnetic pole. It is in fact trying to point at the pole deep down in the earths core. Hence the fact that knowing the azimuth of the earth surface magnetic pole from your station does not give you the azimuth at which your compass needle is pointing - so you must get the variation angle separating compass heading and rotation pole azimuth from your local authority Survey .