Satgen 475 Satellites and HF DX by GM4IHJ (BID SGEN475) 02-05-1998 It was common knowledge amongst American and European HF terrestrial DX enthusiasts, as far back as the 1970s, that both 10m and 6m opportunities for communication one continent with the other, often occurred , when the great circle propagation route was dead. The trick was to point your antennas west of Africa in the morning and , at the Caribbean in the European afternoon. Clearly there exists at certain times, a partial reflector high in the ionosphere which facilitates this oblique form of propagation. Indeed in 1987 direct measurement of electron density levels at a range of excitation from 30ev to 13 kev, as Uosat 2 came up over the Atlantic firmly delineated a step like function in these measurement at one point in the track. Uosat2 1.P160787 data file refers. But this test required dedicated use of a busy satellite. So only a few records were taken. Meanwhile however at GM4IHJ a different approach had been tried whereby sub horizon tracking of satellite Cosmos 1686 ( 15m downlink) revealed some very distinct doppler patterns which indicated the presence of this anomaly quite clearly. In these 1986 experiments Cosmos 1686 was tracked as it passed down the Atlantic far to the west of,and sub horizon from GM, with a very strange doppler pattern such that long after the satellite passed through its distant point of closest approach it was still being received with a very high doppler shift similar to that which would have been expected if the satellite had been coming towards and not as it was, going away.That the signal was not coming direct to GM was obvious. It was clear that the satellite was sending a high doppler signal ahead, to a reflector to its south, and this reflector was sending the signal back to GM. Confirmation that this was the case was received when a sudden drop in 1686 beacon strength was accompanied by a sudden drop to doppler low as the satellite overflew the presumed reflector and passed to its south side. Checks of north going runs of 1686 revealed a reverse of this phenomena whereby, although the satellite was coming towards GM, the signal was permanently doppler low ie coming off the back of the satellite to the reflector to its south and thence being reflected north to GM. These experiments were reported in the RSGB Space Radio Handbook 1990 and in Amsat Journal Nov 93. Reports of RSGB correspondence in 1998 indicate that very few UK amateurs are aware of this phenomena, which has already started to occur on 15m and 10m as solar flux rises. Indeed past experience suggests that in these early days a year or two before solar cycle peak, this oblique method of transatlantic propagation will be present far more often that the more northerly direct great circle path. Fortunately we still have two excellent Russian satellites RS12 and RS15 which are capable of revealing the presence of this reflector via doppler shift checks of their sub horizon performance. Indeed good RS HF mode K operating may well be available particularly next 98/99 winter season permitting some excellent sat DX, and it may even be possible to do experiments over other parts of the earth, to establish whether this reflector is worlwide, not just Africa/Caribbean