Satgen355 Going Digital Pt3 by GM4IHJ 13 Jan 96 Dove Ao17 has come back on the air again this last week. So notes in Satgen353 apply regarding using Dove as the simple first entry to the world of digital satellites. When you get more ambitious , you will need, as explained in satgen354, a PSK Phase Shift Keying modem in order to be ready to operate through the JD digital mode of satellite JAS-2 which is scheduled for launch in September 96. Once you master the rudiments of PSK digital operation on JAS-2, you can then think about moving up to the more complex Ao16 Pacsat, and Ao19 Lusat, which also use PSK downlinking. Frequencies for these digital satellites are :- Satellite Uplink Mhz Downlink Mhz JAS-2 145.85 145.87 145.89 145.91 435.910 callsign NRZ-I biphase FM 1200 bps NRZ-I PSK 1200 bps posibly or or 8J1JCS ? NRZ-L FSK 9600 bps NRZ-L FSK 9600 bps Pacsat Ao16 145.9 145.92 145.94 145.96 437.051 Pacsat Biphase FM 1200 bps PSK 1200 bps Lusat Ao19 145.84 145.86 145.88 145.9 437.1258 Lusat Biphase FM 1200 bps PSK 1200 bps You will require a computer ( PC, Amiga, Atari ) with tracking software to manually or automatically aim your antennas. The G3RUH modem has automatic frequency control hardware to tune your receiver, to correct the large doppler shift ( Tx tuning is not necessary ).In addition you will require communications protocol software. In the case of JAS-2 operation, this can be a standard packet radio protocol which you use for terrestrial packet , but please note that if you wish to track and communicate on the same computer, it must be capable of using "Terminate and stay resident" programmes sequentially, or have "Multi tasking capability ". JAS-2 will be accessed using a simple command ( probably) c 8J1JCS When the satellite confirms access , single letter commands tell it what you want (A,B,F,H,K,M,R,U,W,Y,Q). Some are the same as terrestrial packet commands, but B= Bulletins , not Bye , and Q = quit. In Jas-1 Fo20 the operator had to make a hard disconnect ( Control C followed by D ) A016 and Ao19 use a much more complex communications software protocol referred to as PG for uploading and, PB for some downloading. Recently an excellent Windows program WiSP has appeared. WiSP is much easier to set up in your computer and to use on the air. PG PB require a PhD in Microsoft DOS to figure out how to set them up. Note... JAS-2 will have both 1200 bps PSK and, 9600 bps FSK operation . These will not be available simultaneously. So it is to be hoped that Jamsat will schedule at least one day a week of PSK 1200 bps operation in order to continue the availability of this simplest of all PSK formats , to help provide a good starting platform for digisat newcomers.