Satgen 210 Locating Geosats by GM4IHJ 3rd April 93 BID of this msg is SGEN210 Please use that BID if you retransmit the msg Several stations have asked recently about locating geosats , so here is a brief review. Each geosat is allocated a position defined as a location above the equator at a longitude west of Greenwich (+) or east of Greenwich (-) . Controllers use small fuel powered thrusters to keep them on station, counteracting the continuous perturbation caused by irregularities in the earth's gravitational field and, by the pull of the Sun and the Moon. Geosats should remain within about 1/2 degree of their allocated position If you know that position , you can work out the azimuth and elevation bearings on which you need to aim your ground station antenna, in order to use the satellite. The following BASIC program does the necessary calculations. 240 LET L=56.113 : REM Your station latitude 250 LET G=3.575 : REM your station longitude WEST 260 LET P1 = 3.1415925 : REM the constant PI 340 INPUT C :REM Longitude WEST of geosat location 390 LET L=L*P1/180: LET G=G*P1/180: LET C=C*P1/180 :REM degs to radians 440 LET Z=ABS(C-G) :REM longitudinal separation geosat and station 450 IF Z>P1 THEN LET Z=ABS(2*P1-Z) :REM Z cannot exceed PI radians 460 LET D=COS(L)*COS(Z):LET D= - ATN(D/SQR(1-D*D))+P1/2 :REM slant sep 480 IF D>1.41895 THEN GOTO 640 : REM geosat below horizon test 490 LET A=( - SIN(L)*COS(D))/(COS(L)*SIN(D)) :REM start calculate azimuth 500 IF ABS(A)>.9999 THEN LET A=(SGN(A))*.9999 :REM cos overshoot trap 540 LET AZ=( - ATN(A/SQR(1-A*A))+P1/2)*57.3 :REM part 2 az calculation 550 IF C>G AND C<(P1+G) OR C>(2*P1+G) THEN LET AZ=360-AZ :REM get AZ phase 560 LET EL=(P1/2 -(ATN(42171*SIN(D)/(42171*COS(D)-6371))))*57.3 :REM EL 580 PRINT " AZ ";AZ;" EL ";EL: GOTO 650 640 PRINT "GEOSAT BELOW HORIZON" 650 STOP Worked example for test . Enter above values for L and G, and enter -10 (satellite location 10 degrees east of Greenwich meridian ) at INPUT C ? you should get AZ 163.7939 EL 24.94719 . SATTV bulletins here on amateur packet regularly report satellite locations and frequencies. Useful none entertainment signals are rare, but Mir has used 10835 MHz to relay via Russian geosats grouped over several degrees around 14 west, 40 east and 90 east locations. Most people use a fixed dish antenna aimed at one geosat, but you can put a dish on a "POLAR MOUNT" with its rotation axis tilted to point at the POLE STAR or its Southern Hemisphere equivalent. Given a powerful drive to counter wind pressure you can motor drive a polar mount to access geosats out to nearly 75 degree of longitude either side of your station. Please remember however, that you may be able to point at a geosat, but that does not always mean it is putting a strong signal your way from its narrow spot beam antennas. 73 de GM4IHJ @ GB7SAN