Upcoming ARISS Contact Schedule as of 2024-09-12 06:00 UTC Quick list of scheduled contacts and events: Instituto de Aplicação Fernando Rodrigues da Silveira (CAp-UERJ) and The State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, direct via PY1AX The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be NA1SS The downlink frequency is presently scheduled to be 145.800 MHz The latest information on the operation mode can be found at https://www.ariss.org/current-status-of-iss-stations.html The scheduled crewmember is Sunita Williams KD5PLB The ARISS mentor is VE3TBD Contact is go for: Fri 2024-09-13 17:25:47 UTC 49 deg Sailing Event, Moscow, Russia, direct via TBD (***) The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be RSØISS The downlink frequency is presently scheduled to be 145.800 MHz The latest information on the operation mode can be found at https://www.ariss.org/current-status-of-iss-stations.html The scheduled crewmember is Aleksandr Grebyonkin RZ3DSE (***) The ARISS mentor is RV3DR Contact is go for: Sat 2024-09-21 16:25 UTC (***) Amur State University, Blagoveshchensk, Russia, direct via TBD (***) The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be RSØISS The downlink frequency is presently scheduled to be 145.800 MHz The latest information on the operation mode can be found at https://www.ariss.org/current-status-of-iss-stations.html The scheduled crewmember is Ivan Vagner (***) The ARISS mentor is RV3DR Contact is go for Tue 2024-09-24 09:25 UTC (***) Tatarstan, Russia, direct via TBD (***) The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be RSØISS The downlink frequency is presently scheduled to be 145.800 MHz The latest information on the operation mode can be found at https://www.ariss.org/current-status-of-iss-stations.html The scheduled crewmember is Aleksey Ovchinin (***) The ARISS mentor is RV3DR Contact is go for Fri 2024-09-27 13:20 UTC (***) The crossband repeater continues to be active. If any crewmember is so inclined, all they have to do is pick up the microphone, raise the volume up, and talk on the crossband repeater. So give a listen, you just never know. ####################################################################################################################################### Comments on making general contacts I have been seeing a lot of traffic on Facebook and I suspect on other social media sites with people asking why they are not hearing the crew make general contacts. First off the crew is very busy on the ISS and they simply may not have the time to just pick up the microphone and talk. Also, one needs to be aware of their normal daily schedule. I have listed below the constraints that we at ARISS have to follow in order to schedule the school contacts. Hopefully this will help you better schedule your opportunities. Typical daily schedule Wakeup to Workday start= 1.5 hours Workday start to Workday end=12 hours Workday end to Sleep= 2 hours Sleep to wakeup= 8.5 hours The crew's usual waking period is 07:30 – 19:30 UTC. The most common times to find a crew member making casual periods are about one hour after waking up and about an hour before sleeping, when they have personal time. They're usually free most of the weekend, as well. SSTV events are not that often. So please check out https://www.ariss.org/ for the latest information or watch for the ARISS announcements. And don’t forget that the packet system is sometimes active. Check the status at https://www.ariss.org/ or http://www.issfanclub.eu to see if the packet system is active or not. As always, if there is an EVA, a docking, or an undocking; the ARISS radios are turned off as part of the safety protocol. The latest information on the operation mode can be found at https://www.ariss.org/current-status-of-iss-stations.html The latest list of frequencies in use can be found at https://www.ariss.org/contact-the-iss.html ######################################################################################################################################## A multi-point telebridge contact means that each student will be on the telebridge from their own home. **************************************************************************************************************************************** ARISS is very aware of the impact that COVID-19 is having on schools and the public in general. As such, we may have last minute cancellations or postponements of school contacts. As always, I will try to provide everyone with near-real-time updates. Watch for future COVID-19 related announcements at https://www.ariss.org/ The following schools have now been postponed or cancelled due to COVID-19: Postponed: No new schools Cancelled: No new schools **************************************************************************************************************************************** The ARISS webpage is at https://www.ariss.org/ Note that there are links to other ARISS websites from this site. The main page for Applying to Host a Scheduled Contact may be found at https://www.ariss.org/apply-to-host-an-ariss-contact.html +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ARISS Contact Applications (United States) Call for Proposals The next proposal window for US schools and educational organizations to host an Amateur Radio contact with a crew member on board the ISS opens July 8, 2024 for contacts to be scheduled for January 1, 2025 – June 30, 2025. This proposal window is due to ARISS by September 6, 2024 at 11:59 PM Pacific Time (Sept. 7, 2024, 06:59 UTC). Proposal information and more details such as expectations, proposal guidelines and the proposal form can be found at www.ariss.org. An ARISS Introductory Webinar session will be held on July 22, 2024, at 7 PM ET (23:00 UTC). The Zoom link to sign up is: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZErf-ihrDktG9OphYxAjfz7nbONV0YcwY55 Find more information and proposal instructions, visit the ARISS-USA website at: https://ariss-usa.org/hosting-an-ariss-contact-in-the-usa/ Please direct any questions to ariss.us.education@gmail.com. For future proposal information and more details such as expectations, proposal guidelines and proposal form, and dates and times of Information Webinars, go to www.ariss.org. About ARISS: Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) is a cooperative venture of international amateur radio societies and the space agencies that support the International Space Station (ISS).  In the United States, sponsors are the Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation (AMSAT), the American Radio Relay League (ARRL), the ISS National Lab and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The primary goal of ARISS is to promote exploration of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEAM) topics by organizing scheduled contacts via amateur radio between crew members aboard the ISS and students in classrooms or public forms. Before and during these radio contacts, students, educators, parents, and communities learn about space, space technologies, and amateur radio. For more information, see www.ariss.org. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ARISS Contact Applications (Europe, Africa and the Middle East) Schools and Youth organizations in Europe, Africa and the Middle East interested in setting up an ARISS radio contact with an astronaut on board the International Space Station are invited to submit an application from September to October and from February to April. Please refer to details and the application form at http://www.ariss-eu.org/school-contacts Applications should be addressed by email to: school.selection.manager@ariss-eu.org +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ARISS Contact Applications (Canada, Central and South America, Asia and Australia and Russia) Organizations outside the United States can apply for an ARISS contact by filling out an application. Please direct questions to the appropriate regional representative listed below. If your country is not specifically listed, send your questions to the nearest ARISS Region listed. If you are unsure which address to use, please send your question to the ARISS-Canada representative; they will forward your question to the appropriate coordinator. For the application, go to: https://www.ariss.org/ariss-application.html. ARISS-Canada and the Americas, except USA: Steve McFarlane, VE3TBD email to: ve3tbd@gmail.com ARISS-Japan, Asia, Pacific and Australia: Satoshi Yasuda, 7M3TJZ email to: ariss@iaru-r3.org, Japan Amateur Radio League (JARL) https://www.jarl.org/ ARISS-Russia: Soyuz Radioljubitelei Rossii (SRR) https://srr.ru/ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ARISS is always glad to receive listener reports for the above contacts. ARISS thanks everyone in advance for their assistance. Feel free to send your reports to aj9n@amsat.org or aj9n@aol.com. ******************************************************************************* All ARISS contacts are made via the Kenwood radio unless otherwise noted. ******************************************************************************* Looking for something new to do? How about receiving DATV from the ISS? Please note that the HamTV system is back on board but awaiting re-installation. Please monitor ARISS-EU or ARISS-ON for the very latest news on the troubleshooting efforts. If interested, then please go to the ARISS-EU website for complete details. Look for the buttons indicating Ham Video. http://www.ariss-eu.org/ If you need some assistance, ARISS mentor Kerry N6IZW, might be able to provide some insight. Contact Kerry at kbanke@sbcglobal.net The HamTV webpage: https://www.amsat-on.be/hamtv-summary/ ******************************************************************************* ARISS congratulations the following mentors who have now mentored over 100 schools: Sergey RV3DR with 242 Francesco IKØWGF with 154 Satoshi 7M3TJZ with 153 Gaston ON4WF with 124 Steve VE3TBD with 121 Peter IN3GHZ with 120 **************************************************************************** The webpages listed below were all reviewed for accuracy. Out of date webpages were removed and new ones have been added. If there are additional ARISS websites I need to know about, please let me know. Note, all times are approximate. It is recommended that you do your own orbital prediction or start listening about 10 minutes before the listed time. All dates and times listed follow International Standard ISO 8601 date and time format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS Total number of ARISS ISS to earth school events is 1764. Each school counts as 1 event. The telebridge count includes telebridge and multi-point telebridge events. Year Direct % Telebridge % Direct/ % Direct/ Total Direct Telebridge Telebridge Telebridge 2000 1 100.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 1 2001 25 59.52 17 40.48 0 0.00 42 2002 25 60.98 16 39.02 0 0.00 41 2003 29 74.36 10 25.64 0 0.00 39 2004 25 71.43 10 28.57 0 0.00 35 2005 37 67.27 18 32.73 0 0.00 55 2006 31 65.96 16 34.04 0 0.00 47 2007 51 68.00 24 32.00 0 0.00 75 2008 33 53.23 29 46.77 0 0.00 62 2009 57 47.11 62 51.24 2 1.65 121 2010 31 64.58 16 33.33 1 2.08 48 2011 86 69.35 38 30.65 0 0.00 124 2012 51 54.84 42 45.16 0 0.00 93 2013 46 49.46 40 43.01 7 7.53 93 2014 50 72.46 19 27.54 0 0.00 69 2015 41 58.57 26 37.14 3 4.29 70 2016 51 57.95 37 42.05 0 0.00 88 2017 58 59.79 35 36.08 4 4.12 97 2018 59 69.41 26 30.59 0 0.00 85 2019 43 48.31 35 39.33 11 12.36 89 2020 22 59.46 15 40.54 0 0.00 37 2021 38 47.50 41 51.25 1 1.25 80 2022 64 60.95 40 38.10 1 0.95 105 2023 59 67.82 24 27.59 4 4.60 87 2024 47 58.02 32 39.51 2 2.47 81 Grand 1060 60.09 668 37.87 36 2.04 1764 Total Average 42.40 26.72 1.44 70.56 Total number of ARISS ISS to earth school contacts is 1655. Each contact may have multiple events sharing the same time slot. The telebridge count includes telebridge and multi-point telebridge contacts. Year Direct % Telebridge % Direct/ % Direct/ Total Direct Telebridge Telebridge Telebridge 2000 1 100.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 1 2001 25 59.52 17 40.48 0 0.00 42 2002 24 60.00 16 40.00 0 0.00 40 2003 29 74.36 10 25.64 0 0.00 39 2004 25 71.43 10 28.57 0 0.00 35 2005 36 66.67 18 33.33 0 0.00 54 2006 31 65.96 16 34.04 0 0.00 47 2007 51 68.00 24 32.00 0 0.00 75 2008 33 60.00 22 40.00 0 0.00 55 2009 57 47.11 62 51.24 2 1.65 121 2010 31 64.58 16 33.33 1 2.08 48 2011 78 67.24 38 32.76 0 0.00 116 2012 51 54.84 42 45.16 0 0.00 93 2013 45 50.56 40 44.94 4 4.49 89 2014 48 73.85 17 26.15 0 0.00 65 2015 37 61.67 22 36.67 1 1.67 60 2016 51 57.95 37 42.05 0 0.00 88 2017 50 61.73 29 35.80 2 2.47 81 2018 54 68.35 25 31.65 0 0.00 79 2019 42 53.16 31 39.24 6 7.59 79 2020 22 59.46 15 40.54 0 0.00 37 2021 35 47.95 37 50.68 1 1.37 73 2022 63 71.59 24 27.27 1 1.14 88 2023 58 69.05 24 28.57 2 2.38 84 2024 47 71.21 18 27.27 1 1.52 66 Grand 1024 61.87 610 36.86 21 1.27 1655 Total Average 40.96 24.40 0.84 66.20 Total number of ARISS supported terrestrial contacts is 47. Please feel free to contact me if more detailed statistics are needed. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The following US states and entities have never had an ARISS contact: South Dakota, American Samoa, Guam, Northern Marianas Islands, and the Virgin Islands. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ QSL information may be found at: https://www.ariss.org/qsl-cards.html ISS callsigns: DPØISS, FXØISS, GB1SS, IRØISS, NA1SS, OR4ISS, RSØISS ***************************************************************************** The ARISS (a joint effort of AMSAT, the ARRL, NASA, the ARISS international partners including Canada, Russia, the European Partners, and Japan) operations team wishes to announce the following very tentative schedule for ARISS school contacts. This schedule is very fluid and may change at the last minute. Remember that amateur radio use on the ISS is considered secondary. Please check the various AMSAT and ARISS webpages for the latest announcements. Changes from the last announcement are noted with (***). Listen for the ISS on the downlink of 145.8Ø MHz unless otherwise noted. ***************************************************************************** Other web sites that may be of interest include: ARRL related websites: http://www.arrl.org/amateur-radio-on-the-international-space-station http://www.arrl.org/ariss =============================================================================== AMSAT related websites: https://www.amsat.org Latest ARISS announcements and news https://www.amsat.org/amsat-new/ariss/ Successful school list https://www.amsat.org/amsat/ariss/news/Successful_ARISS_schools.rtf =============================================================================== R4UAB related websites: R4UAB | Amateur radio satellites Check out some new sats: On the ISS, tests of all satellites have been completed under the Radioscaphe program | R4UAB =============================================================================== NASA related websites: Main page: https://www.nasa.gov/ For Educators: https://www.nasa.gov/audience/foreducators/index.html For Students: https://www.nasa.gov/audience/forstudents/index.html https://www.nasa.gov/audience/foreducators/teachingfromspace/students/ariss.html (instructions for US schools wanting to apply for a contact may be found here) For Media: https://www.nasa.gov/audience/formedia/index.html =============================================================================== The ISS Fan Club website is: http://www.issfanclub.eu =============================================================================== Additional information may be found on the amsat.org calendar of events for where to find the audio on EchoLink, IRLP and Shoutcast. =============================================================================== Check out the Zoho reports of the ARISS contact https://reports.zoho.com/ZDBDataSheetView.cc?DBID=412218000000020415 =============================================================================== Exp. 70 on orbit Oleg Kononenko Nikolay Chub Exp. 71 on orbit Tracy E. Caldwell Dyson SpaceX Crew-8 on orbit Matthew Dominick KCØTOR Mike Barratt KD5MIJ Jeanette Epps KF5QNU Aleksandr Grebyonkin RZ3DSE Boeing CFT on orbit Sunita Williams KD5PLB Barry Wilmore =============================================================================== To let you in on how tough it is to schedule contacts, here are some of the constraints the ARISS mentors must work under: Each Increment is about 26 weeks in length. For any given expedition, we typically may not schedule: 1. Anything the first 3 weeks. 2. During EVA weeks 3. At least 2 weeks prior to the Increment change. 4. No contacts during meal and exercise periods. 5. No contacts during post-sleep and pre sleep (before Ø8:ØØ UTC and after 19:3Ø UTC) 6. Contacts on the day of Progress docking or undocking are circumspect. Mike Fincke KE5AIT and Gennady Padalka RN3DT produced a video during their stay on Expedition 9. You can get the QuickTime version (209MB) or the Windows Media version (152MB). These files are huge, so only a broadband connection is recommended. Thanks Mike and Gennady! QuickTime: https://www.amsat.org/amsat/ariss/Video/Expedition9Tour.mov Windows Media: https://www.amsat.org/amsat/ariss/Video/Expedition9tourwmv.wmv Doug Wheelock KF5BOC produced a YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h73EYcyszf8 Gregory Reid Wiseman KF5LKT is in a short YouTube video. https://youtu.be/5nLFNG-Njlo A discussion on Doppler correction and the ISS frequencies may be found at https://www.amsat.org/amsat/ariss/news/ISS_frequencies_and_Doppler_correction.rtf This file was updated 2005-07-29 04:00 UTC ******************************************************************************* ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUDIO STREAMING THAT IS PROVIDED BY Verizon Business. 1. Go to designated homepage URL. 2. Click on Audioconferencing. 3. Click on Audio Streaming. 4. Click on Join. 5. Enter conference meeting number. 6. Enter passcode (case sensitive) and there are 11 letters max. 7. Enter name. 8. Enter email address. 9. Enter company, use ARISS or AMSAT if you want. 10. Enter title (optional). 11. Agree to agreement policy. 12. Click proceed. 13. Wait for contact to start. If you are there too early, then you will probably hear music. Contact streaming should start approximately 6 minutes before AOS. ADDITIONAL NOTES ON THE USE OF IRLP, ECHOLINK, and Webcast. IRLP website at: http://www.discoveryreflector.ca If using IRLP is more convenient for you than using EchoLink, please connect to the IRLP reflector 9Ø1Ø. The Discovery 9Ø1Ø Reflector also has streaming audio available. Once on the main page, select "audio library" on the left sidebar. The prompt to join the audio stream is posted at the top of this page. More directly, you can go to http://www.discoveryreflector.ca:8ØØØ/listen.pls The audio stream will be delayed. Additional information on the IRLP Discovery Reflector requirements: The use of the Discovery Reflector requires that your audio player have ability to play a pls file. Confirm that your player has that file. You should also confirm that port 8Ø8Ø is open to allow the audio stream. Here is how to check Realplayer: 1.  Open up Realplayer 2.  Tools>Preferences>Content Media Types> click on Select located under the Manual button.  You should see .pls as one of the accepted files   Here is how to check Winamp: 1.  Open up Winamp 2.  Options>preference>General preference>file types You should see pls as one of the accepted files Additional information may be found on the amsat.org calendar of events for where to find the audio on EchoLink, IRLP and Shoutcast. You can connect to the AMSAT Conference Room server at node 1Ø1377. Audio is also available at times on the JK1ZRW server at node 2772Ø8. Please connect to the *JK1ZRW* server to keep the load light on the *AMSAT* server.  This will ensure good audio quality for all listeners. For latest information on ISS - school contact audio feeds into EchoLink, please check the AMSAT calendar of events at: https://www.amsat.org/amsat-new/fieldops/events.php Simulation contacts are terrestrial contacts that provide training for the astronauts on the use of the ARISS equipment before going on orbit. Instituto de Aplicação Fernando Rodrigues da Silveira (CAp-UERJ) and The State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, direct via PY1AX The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be NA1SS The downlink frequency is presently scheduled to be 145.800 MHz The latest information on the operation mode can be found at https://www.ariss.org/current-status-of-iss-stations.html The scheduled crewmember is Sunita Williams KD5PLB The ARISS mentor is VE3TBD Contact is go for: Fri 2024-09-13 17:25:47 UTC 49 deg Proposed questions generated by the Instituto de Aplicação Fernando Rodrigues da Silveira (CAp-UERJ) and The State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) students: 1. At what age did you become interested and decide to pursue the astronaut job? What were the first steps that you took in order to kickstart your career? 2. What are your guesses for the future space missions? 3. How do you think leaving earth and seeing space in its real scope can alter someone's perspective about society and existence? 4. I want to know how someone adapts to gravity in space? 5. How many people can be on the ISS at the same time? When do you transfer to Earth? Do you have a time limit, get a radio call and just leave, or stay inside until you run out of resources, like food or water? 6. I would like to know what the routine is like on the ISS, how do you shower, sleep and eat? 7. After spending time in space, what are the main effects you have felt on Earth as a result of the difference in atmospheric pressure? Like, disorientation? headache? 8. What unexpected challenges or surprises have you encountered in microgravity that you didn't anticipate during your training on Earth? 9. What happens if an astronaut gets sick or has any medical emergency on board the space station? 10. How does an astronaut regulate their sleep in orbit? Does it take time in the station or is it previously trained on land? 11. Do you ever get a day off, like Saturday or Sunday? If so, what activities or hobbies do you do when you are not working? 12. What has been most challenging so far about becoming an astronaut? 13. On the ISS, is there the use of programming languages for image processing? Or the use of satellite image processing to analyze the weather conditions of other planets? 14. How is The flavor of the ISS food? 15. How do you repair damaged parts of the ISS? Do you have a 3D printer on board? If not, how do you machine a part? 16. Are Earth's climate changes noticeable by the space station crew? If so, how intense is it and what are astronauts' perceptions of climate change on our planet? ====================================================================== Kordylewski Youth Astronomical Observatory in Niepołomice, Niepołomice, Poland, direct via SP9MOA The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be OR4ISS The downlink frequency is presently scheduled to be 145.800 MHz The latest information on the operation mode can be found at https://www.ariss.org/current-status-of-iss-stations.html The scheduled crewmember is Sunita Williams KD5PLB (***) The ARISS mentor is SP3QFE Contact is go for: Fri 2024-09-20 17:08:05 UTC 75 deg (***) Proposed questions generated by the Kordylewski Youth Astronomical Observatory in Niepołomice students: 1. What was your first thought when you saw the globe from the ISS? 2. What was your first day on the ISS like? 3. Is there any chance that you could visit us at the Youth Observatory in Niepołomice after your return to Earth? 4. Has your stay on the ISS changed your perspective on life and our planet? 5. Is there anything that surprised you during the mission? 6. What's your favorite place on the station? 7. Can you describe how life in a microgravity environment has changed you? 8. How long do astronauts sleep and what do they dream about in space? 9. What are the most challenging aspects of life on the ISS for you? 10. What plants are being researched for growth in space, and do you eat them? 11. Is the Earth flat? 12. Which of the experiments aboard the ISS are you most eager to participate in? 13. What about weightlessness surprised you the most? 14. What do you miss most from Earth? 15. What are the essential skills and character traits needed to become an astronaut and work on the ISS? 16. What tests did you have to pass to become an astronaut? 17. What has been your most memorable experience aboard the ISS so far? 18. Have you formed any friendships or relationships on board the ISS? 19. How does the large number of sunrises and sunsets affect the functioning of the biological clock of astronauts? How do you know when you should relax? 20. What time zone is used on the ISS? ====================================================================== Sailing Event, Moscow, Russia, direct via TBD (***) The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be RSØISS The downlink frequency is presently scheduled to be 145.800 MHz The latest information on the operation mode can be found at https://www.ariss.org/current-status-of-iss-stations.html The scheduled crewmember is Aleksandr Grebyonkin RZ3DSE (***) The ARISS mentor is RV3DR Contact is go for: Sat 2024-09-21 16:25 UTC (***) Proposed questions generated by the Sailing Event students: (***) TBD ====================================================================== Amur State University, Blagoveshchensk, Russia, direct via TBD (***) The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be RSØISS The downlink frequency is presently scheduled to be 145.800 MHz The latest information on the operation mode can be found at https://www.ariss.org/current-status-of-iss-stations.html The scheduled crewmember is Ivan Vagner (***) The ARISS mentor is RV3DR Contact is go for Tue 2024-09-24 09:25 UTC (***) Proposed questions generated by the Amur State University students: (***) TBD Tatarstan, Russia, direct via TBD (***) The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be RSØISS The downlink frequency is presently scheduled to be 145.800 MHz The latest information on the operation mode can be found at https://www.ariss.org/current-status-of-iss-stations.html The scheduled crewmember is Aleksey Ovchinin (***) The ARISS mentor is RV3DR Contact is go for Fri 2024-09-27 13:20 UTC (***) Proposed questions generated by the Tatarstan students: (***) TBD ====================================================================== Khazar University, Dunya School, Baku, Azerbaijan, direct via 4K6EH The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be OR4ISS The downlink frequency is presently scheduled to be 145.800 MHz The latest information on the operation mode can be found at https://www.ariss.org/current-status-of-iss-stations.html The scheduled crewmember is Matthew Dominick KCØTOR, Mike Barratt KD5MIJ, Jeanette Epps KF5QNU, Sunita Williams KD5PLB, or Don Pettit KD5MDT The ARISS mentor is IN3GHZ TBD UTC Proposed questions generated by the Khazar University students: 1. What studies have you done to become an astronaut? 2. What are the advantages of space exploration? 3. How do you interact with your family members while being in space? 4. Do you use a watch in space for getting the notion of time there? 5. Is it difficult to walk when you come back to Earth? 6. Are there any disadvantages in space exploration that may destruct the planet? 7. What skills are required to become an astronaut? 8. What is the most difficult to leave or to come back to Earth? 9. At what age can we travel out the space? 10. How long can we stay in space? 11. What are the consequences of space in human body? 12. What were your feelings during your first trip to space? 13. When you were a child, did you ever think that you would become an astronaut one day? 14. What sort of food do you eat in the ISS? 15. If you had a second chance, would you choose the same profession? 16: When was your last space mission and what was it? 17. What do astronauts usually eat to keep their body healthy? 18. What do you enjoy most about space? 19. Which memorable or surprising experiences did you have in space? 20. What is the biggest challenge in space? ====================================================================== Centre de Formation de la Base Aérienne de Payerne, Payerne, Switzerland, direct via HB9SPACE The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be TBD The downlink frequency is presently scheduled to be 145.800 MHz The latest information on the operation mode can be found at https://www.ariss.org/current-status-of-iss-stations.html The scheduled crewmember is Matthew Dominick KCØTOR, Mike Barratt KD5MIJ, Jeanette Epps KF5QNU, Sunita Williams KD5PLB, Nick Hague KG5TMV, or Don Pettit KD5MDT The ARISS mentor is IN3GHZ TBD UTC Proposed questions generated by the Centre de Formation de la Base Aérienne de Payerne students: (***) 1. Greetings ESA Astronaut Claude Nicollier, HB9CN 2. Greetings ESA Astronaut Thomas Reiter, DF4TR 3. Greetings NASA Astronaut Jeffrey Hoffman 4. How many people are currently on board the ISS, what are their nationalities? 5. Do you have any luggage to pack before going to the ISS? 6. What's the most surprising thing you have experienced in space? 7. What to do if you fall sick in space? 8. Do the stars shine brighter in space? 9. What does it smell like inside the ISS? 10. Is there a quiet place to recharge your batteries inside the ISS? 11. How long does it take to recover from a long stay in space? 12. What qualifications did you need to establish ARISS contacts with students? 13. Do you have to count the calories and sources of nutrients for the day's meals to avoid deficiencies? 14. How does your body behave in relation to the objects around it in the absence of gravity? 15. Did you have trouble sleeping at the start of your stay on board the ISS? 16. What are the three most important daily habits you have to adopt on board the space station? 17. Do you carry out scientific experiments on board the ISS? If so, how often and of what type? 18. What was your first emotion when you discovered the Earth from the ISS? 19. How many hours and what type of sport should you practice a day to avoid losing muscle mass due to the lack of gravity? 1. Greetings ESA Astronaut Claude Nicollier, HB9CN 2. Greetings ESA Astronaut Thomas Reiter, DF4TR 3. Greetings NASA Astronaut Jeffrey Hoffman 4. Combien de personnes se trouvent actuellement à bord de l'ISS, quelles sont leurs nationalités? 5. Avez-vous des bagages à préparer avant de vous rendre à l'ISS? 6. Quelle est la chose la plus surprenante que vous ayez vécue dans l'espace? 7. Que faire si vous tombez malade dans l'espace? 8. Les étoiles brillent-elles plus fort dans l'espace? 9. Quelle est l'odeur à l'intérieur de l'ISS? 10. Y-a-t 'il un endroit au calme pour se ressourcer à l'intérieur de l’ISS? 11. Combien de temps faut-il pour se remettre d'un long séjour dans l'espace? 12. Quelles sont les qualifications dont vous avez eu besoin pour établir des contacts ARISS avec les étudiants? 13. Devez-vous compter les calories et les sources de nutriments pour les repas de la journée afin d'éviter les carences? 14. Comment votre corps se comporte-t-il par rapport aux objets qui l'entourent en l'absence de gravité? 15. Aviez-vous des difficultés à dormir au début de votre séjour à bord de l'ISS? 16. Quelles sont les trois habitudes quotidiennes les plus importantes que vous devez prendre à bord de la station spatiale? 17. Réalisez-vous des expériences scientifiques à bord de l'ISS? Si oui, à quelle fréquence et de quel type? 18. Quelle a été votre première émotion quand vous avez découvert la Terre depuis l’ISS? 19. Combien d'heures et quel type de sport devez-vous pratiquer par jour pour éviter de perdre de la masse musculaire à cause de l'absence de gravité? ====================================================================== Girlguiding Surrey West County, Shepperton, UK, direct via GB4GGB The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be NA1SS The downlink frequency is presently scheduled to be 145.800 MHz The latest information on the operation mode can be found at https://www.ariss.org/current-status-of-iss-stations.html The scheduled crewmember is Matthew Dominick KCØTOR, Mike Barratt KD5MIJ, Jeanette Epps KF5QNU, Sunita Williams KD5PLB, Nick Hague KG5TMV, or Don Pettit KD5MDT The ARISS mentor is MØXTD TBD UTC Watch for Livestream at https://live.ariss.org/ Proposed questions generated by the Girlguiding Surrey West County students: TBD ====================================================================== 213 RCSCC Qu’Appelle (Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corp), Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, telebridge via TBD The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be TBD The downlink frequency is presently scheduled to be 145.800 MHz The latest information on the operation mode can be found at https://www.ariss.org/current-status-of-iss-stations.html The scheduled crewmember is Matthew Dominick KCØTOR, Mike Barratt KD5MIJ, Jeanette Epps KF5QNU, Sunita Williams KD5PLB, or Nick Hague KG5TMV, or Don Pettit KD5MDT The ARISS mentor is VE6JBJ TBD UTC Proposed questions generated by the 213 RCSCC Qu’Appelle (Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corp)students: TBD ====================================================================== Jaanimmarik Ilinniarvik School, Jaanimmarik Iliniavik, Kuujjuaq, QC, Canada, Telebridge via TBD The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be TBD The downlink frequency is presently scheduled to be 145.800 MHz The latest information on the operation mode can be found at https://www.ariss.org/current-status-of-iss-stations.html The scheduled crewmember is TBD The ARISS mentor is VE3TBD TBD UTC Proposed questions generated by the Jaanimmarik Ilinniarvik School students: TBD ====================================================================== Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Agama (SMKA) Tengku Ampuan Hajjah Afzan Pahang, Jerantut, Malaysia, direct via 9M2RPN The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be TBD The downlink frequency is presently scheduled to be 145.800 MHz The latest information on the operation mode can be found at https://www.ariss.org/current-status-of-iss-stations.html The scheduled crewmember is TBD The ARISS mentor is 7M3TJZ TBD UTC Proposed questions generated by the Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Agama (SMKA) Tengku Ampuan Hajjah Afzan Pahang students: TBD ====================================================================== Greenville Jr HS, Greenville, IL, direct via TBD The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be TBD The downlink frequency is presently scheduled to be 145.800 MHz The latest information on the operation mode can be found at https://www.ariss.org/current-status-of-iss-stations.html The scheduled crewmember is TBD The ARISS mentor is KD8COJ TBD UTC Proposed questions generated by the Greenville Jr HS students: TBD ====================================================================== European School of Varese, Varese, Italy, direct via IQ2XH The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be OR4ISS The downlink frequency is presently scheduled to be 145.800 MHz The latest information on the operation mode can be found at https://www.ariss.org/current-status-of-iss-stations.html The scheduled crewmember is TBD The ARISS mentor is IZ2GOJ TBD UTC Proposed questions generated by the European School of Varese students: TBD ====================================================================== Assiscout Associazione Indipendente Scout, Abano Terme, Italy, direct via IQ3RW The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be OR4ISS The downlink frequency is presently scheduled to be 145.800 MHz The latest information on the operation mode can be found at https://www.ariss.org/current-status-of-iss-stations.html The scheduled crewmember is TBD The ARISS mentor is IZ2GOJ TBD UTC Proposed questions generated by the Assiscout Associazione Indipendente Scout students: TBD ====================================================================== Istituto Comprensivo “Elena Lucrezua Corner”, Fossò, Italy, direct via IQ3RW The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be OR4ISS The downlink frequency is presently scheduled to be 145.800 MHz The latest information on the operation mode can be found at https://www.ariss.org/current-status-of-iss-stations.html The scheduled crewmember is TBD The ARISS mentor is IZ2GOJ TBD UTC Proposed questions generated by the Istituto Comprensivo “Elena Lucrezua Corner” students: TBD ====================================================================== Colegio Cervantes, Torreon. Mexico, Telebridge via TBD The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be OR4ISS The downlink frequency is presently scheduled to be 145.800 MHz The latest information on the operation mode can be found at https://www.ariss.org/current-status-of-iss-stations.html The scheduled crewmember is TBD The ARISS mentor is VE3TBD TBD UTC Proposed questions generated by the Colegio Cervantes students: TBD ====================================================================== TEACH-NW Charter School, Springfield, OR, direct via KJ7NLL The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be NA1SS The downlink frequency is presently scheduled to be 145.800 MHz The latest information on the operation mode can be found at https://www.ariss.org/current-status-of-iss-stations.html The scheduled crewmember is TBD The ARISS mentor is W4NTR TBD UTC Watch for Livestream at https://www.youtube.com/@KJ7NLL/streams Proposed questions generated by the TEACH-NW Charter School: TBD ====================================================================== Magnet Innovation Center, Inlet Beach, FL, direct via TBD The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be TBD The downlink frequency is presently scheduled to be 145.800 MHz The latest information on the operation mode can be found at https://www.ariss.org/current-status-of-iss-stations.html The scheduled crewmember is TBD The ARISS mentor is AA4KN TBD UTC Proposed questions generated by the Magnet Innovation Center students: TBD ====================================================================== Ceip San Ignacio Del Viar, Alcalá Del Rio, Spain, direct via EA7URS The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be OR4ISS The downlink frequency is presently scheduled to be 145.800 MHz The latest information on the operation mode can be found at https://www.ariss.org/current-status-of-iss-stations.html The scheduled crewmember is TBD The ARISS mentor is IK0USO TBD UTC Proposed questions generated by the Ceip San Ignacio Del Viar students: TBD ====================================================================== The Robert Drake Primary School, Essex, UK, telebridge via TBD The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be TBD The downlink frequency is presently scheduled to be 145.800 MHz The latest information on the operation mode can be found at https://www.ariss.org/current-status-of-iss-stations.html The scheduled crewmember is TBD The ARISS mentor is MØXTD TBD UTC Proposed questions generated by the The Robert Drake Primary School students: TBD ====================================================================== Coastal Community School, Satellite Beach, FL, direct via KD4GPI The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be NA1SS The downlink frequency is presently scheduled to be 145.800 MHz The latest information on the operation mode can be found at https://www.ariss.org/current-status-of-iss-stations.html The scheduled crewmember is TBD The ARISS mentor is AJ9N TBD UTC Proposed questions generated by the Coastal Community School students: TBD ====================================================================== Colegio Parroquial el Savador, Yerba Buena, Argentina, direct via LU5KHF The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be NA1SS The downlink frequency is presently scheduled to be 145.800 MHz The latest information on the operation mode can be found at https://www.ariss.org/current-status-of-iss-stations.html The scheduled crewmember is TBD The ARISS mentor is VE6JBJ TBD UTC Proposed questions generated by the Colegio Parroquial el Savador students: TBD ====================================================================== Instituto Privado Rivadavia, Alderetes, Tucuman, Argentina, direct via LU5KHF The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be NA1SS The downlink frequency is presently scheduled to be 145.800 MHz The latest information on the operation mode can be found at https://www.ariss.org/current-status-of-iss-stations.html The scheduled crewmember is TBD The ARISS mentor is VE6JBJ TBD UTC Proposed questions generated by the Instituto Privado Rivadavia students: TBD ====================================================================== Scuola Primaria “Bandello”, Castelnuovo Scrivia, Italy, telebridge via TBD The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be TBD The downlink frequency is presently scheduled to be 145.800 MHz The latest information on the operation mode can be found at https://www.ariss.org/current-status-of-iss-stations.html The scheduled crewmember is TBD The ARISS mentor is IZ2GOJ TBD UTC Proposed questions generated by the Scuola Primaria “Bandello” students: TBD ====================================================================== Cottam Scouts, Cottam, ON, Canada, telebridge via TBD The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be TBD The downlink frequency is presently scheduled to be 145.800 MHz The latest information on the operation mode can be found at https://www.ariss.org/current-status-of-iss-stations.html The scheduled crewmember is TBD The ARISS mentor is VE6JBJ TBD UTC Proposed questions generated by the Cottam Scouts students: TBD ====================================================================== Bishop O'Connell HS, Arlington, VA, telebridge via TBD The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be TBD The downlink frequency is presently scheduled to be 145.800 MHz The latest information on the operation mode can be found at https://www.ariss.org/current-status-of-iss-stations.html The scheduled crewmember is TBD The ARISS mentor is AA6TB TBD UTC Proposed questions generated by the Bishop O'Connell HS students: TBD ====================================================================== Escola Secundária Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro, Caldas da Rainha, Portugal, direct via CS5SS The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be OR4ISS The downlink frequency is presently scheduled to be 145.800 MHz The latest information on the operation mode can be found at https://www.ariss.org/current-status-of-iss-stations.html The scheduled crewmember is TBD The ARISS mentor is IK0USO TBD UTC Proposed questions generated by the Escola Secundária Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro students: TBD ====================================================================== Kingsville School (name TBD), Kingsville, ON, Canada, telebridge TBD The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be TBD The downlink frequency is presently scheduled to be 145.800 MHz The latest information on the operation mode can be found at https://www.ariss.org/current-status-of-iss-stations.html The scheduled crewmember is TBD The ARISS mentor is VE6JBJ TBD UTC Proposed questions generated by the Kingsville School students: TBD ====================================================================== Istituto Comprensivo “Antonino Caponnetto”, Caltanissetta, Italy, direct via IT9AOI The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be OR4ISS The downlink frequency is presently scheduled to be 145.800 MHz The latest information on the operation mode can be found at https://www.ariss.org/current-status-of-iss-stations.html The scheduled crewmember is TBD The ARISS mentor is IK0WGF TBD UTC Proposed questions generated by the Istituto Comprensivo “Antonino Caponnetto” students: TBD ====================================================================== Colégio do Castanheiro, Ponta Delgada, Azores, direct via CU2JX The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be OR4ISS The downlink frequency is presently scheduled to be 145.800 MHz The latest information on the operation mode can be found at https://www.ariss.org/current-status-of-iss-stations.html The scheduled crewmember is TBD The ARISS mentor is IKØUSO TBD UTC Proposed questions generated by the Colégio do Castanheiro students: TBD ====================================================================== CEIP INDAUTXUKO ESKOLA HLHI, Bilbao, Spain, telebridge via TBD The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be TBD The downlink frequency is presently scheduled to be 145.800 MHz The latest information on the operation mode can be found at https://www.ariss.org/current-status-of-iss-stations.html The scheduled crewmember is TBD The ARISS mentor is IK0USO TBD UTC Proposed questions generated by the CEIP INDAUTXUKO ESKOLA HLHI students: TBD ====================================================================== Publiczna Szkoła Podstawowa im. Walentego Stefańskiego w Bodzechowie, Bodzechów, Poland, direct via SP7POS The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be OR4ISS The downlink frequency is presently scheduled to be 145.800 MHz The latest information on the operation mode can be found at https://www.ariss.org/current-status-of-iss-stations.html The scheduled crewmember is TBD The ARISS mentor is SP3QFE TBD UTC Proposed questions generated by the Publiczna Szkoła Podstawowa im. Walentego Stefańskiego w Bodzechowie, Bodzechów students: TBD ====================================================================== South Carolina RWAs (Regional Workforce Advisors), Columbia, SC, direct via TBD The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be NA1SS The downlink frequency is presently scheduled to be 145.800 MHz The latest information on the operation mode can be found at https://www.ariss.org/current-status-of-iss-stations.html The scheduled crewmember is TBD The ARISS mentor is K4CF TBD UTC Watch for Livestream at https://dew.sc.gov/ Proposed questions generated by the South Carolina RWAs students: TBD ====================================================================== Hillsboro Charter Academy, Purcellville, VA, direct via TBD The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be NA1SS The downlink frequency is presently scheduled to be 145.800 MHz The latest information on the operation mode can be found at https://www.ariss.org/current-status-of-iss-stations.html The scheduled crewmember is TBD The ARISS mentor is AA6TB TBD UTC Proposed questions generated by the Hillsboro Charter Academy students: TBD ====================================================================== Chrześcijańska Szkoła Podstawowa Daniel, Warszawa, Poland, direct via SP5POT The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be OR4ISS The downlink frequency is presently scheduled to be 145.800 MHz The latest information on the operation mode can be found at https://www.ariss.org/current-status-of-iss-stations.html The scheduled crewmember is TBD The ARISS mentor is SP3QFE TBD UTC Proposed questions generated by the Chrześcijańska Szkoła Podstawowa Daniel students: TBD ====================================================================== Scuola Secondaria di I Grado “F.Anzani”, Cantù, Italy, telebridge via TBD The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be TBD The downlink frequency is presently scheduled to be 145.800 MHz The latest information on the operation mode can be found at https://www.ariss.org/current-status-of-iss-stations.html The scheduled crewmember is TBD The ARISS mentor is IZ2GOJ TBD UTC Proposed questions generated by the Scuola Secondaria di I Grado “F.Anzani” students: TBD ====================================================================== Zespół Szkół Łączności, Warszawa, Poland, direct via TBD The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be OR4ISS The downlink frequency is presently scheduled to be 145.800 MHz The latest information on the operation mode can be found at https://www.ariss.org/current-status-of-iss-stations.html The scheduled crewmember is TBD The ARISS mentor is SP3QFE TBD UTC Proposed questions generated by the Zespół Szkół Łączności students: TBD ====================================================================== Sally Ride Elementary School, Orlando, Florida, direct via K1AA The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be NA1SS The downlink frequency is presently scheduled to be 145.800 MHz The latest information on the operation mode can be found at https://www.ariss.org/current-status-of-iss-stations.html The scheduled crewmember is TBD The ARISS mentor is AA4KN TBD UTC Proposed questions generated by the Sally Ride Elementary School students: TBD ====================================================================== Currently the ARISS operations team has a list of 60 schools that we hope will be able to have a contact during 2023. As the schedule becomes more solidified, we will be letting everyone know. Current plans call for an average of one scheduled school contact per week. 73, Charlie Sufana AJ9N One of the ARISS operation team mentors