Satgen584 Satellite Seismology by GM4IHJ (BID SGEN584) 2000-06-03 In June 92, Southern California was shaken by an earthquake. By good fortune the epicentre was out in open desert country near Landers. So no great urban damage resulted, and by coincidence the European ERS-1 satellite had just previously, taken a side scan synthetic aperture radar picture of the Landers area. So immediately after the quake more ERS-1 pictures of the area were obtained. Pictures before and after were then compared and it was possible to see how far each 4 x 20 metre pixel of ground had been moved by the quake. Since then ERS-1 has gone on to record ground displacement features on swelling volcanoes prior to their eruption . It has watched as volcanoes under an ice cap caused minor changes at the immediate point above the cone , but sent torrents of hot melt water roaring out from under the edge of the ice cap , washing away bridges and roads and everything else in their path . While in warmer climes it has monitored the potential for mud slides on tropical volcanoes,when heavy rain sends mud slides to engulf villages far from the erupting volcanic cone. Regular sequences of pictures taken by ERS-1 and its 1995 successor ERS-2. Have given data on the effects of ionospheric and tropospheric disturbance on the signals, as well as revealing the effects of deep snow falls on sites of interest , plus the far less than expected effects of thick tropical vegetation , on signal reflections from the ground. So it is no surprise that American scientists are pressing for their own SAR satellite. Which will be called InSAR and will hopefully be funded through NASA. Noting that, while ERS-2 works well, it does not provide regular images of the USA, in a time scale commensurate with American requirements. Given that USA ( along with Turkey, Indonesia and Japan, amongst others), has more areas of immediate seismic concern than anywhere else in the world. For while the rest of the world has one or two of the super caldera type , world wide disaster provoking locations. Western USA alone has Yellowstone, Long Valley, Valle Grande and several other sites , all capable of matching or surpassing the destructive power of past events. Such as that which occured around 538 AD . When Krakatoa in Sunda Strait, exploded and caused a nuclear winter all over the earth. Resulting in the deaths of millions of people in the subsequent icy cold and famine caused by a dust cloud which blocked out the Sun for months, and which has been blamed by some historians, for the collapse of civilizations as far apart as Teotihuacan, and the Easter Roman Empire. Aside from volcano watching . Large conurbations in the Western USA located on or near well known earthquake fault lines, need a constant earth watch , and while InSAR cannot, as far as we know presently, provide prior warning of earthquakes. It can be expected to usefully supplement, the already partially funded Earth Scope terrestrial surface and drilling experiment, planned for that part of the USA. Whilst the already available ground monitoring system provided by the repeated measurement at selected locations, of Global positioning location and altitude data, is also useful, albeit rather more labour intensive.