Satgen 443 Useful Space Frequencies by GM4IHJ (BID SGEN443) 20Sep 97 Here in answer to several correspondents is a brief list of frequencies used at IHJ for checks of Space radio equipment Frequency Source Orbit 29.352 MHz RS15 LEO morse telemetry 29.408 RS12 LEO morse telemetry 121.75 Soyuz LEO FM voice 137.4 Sich , Okean LEO Wefax 137.5 NOAA 12 LEO Wefax 137.62 NOAA 14 LEO Wefax 137.8 Feng Yun LEO Wefax 137.85 Meteor 3-5 LEO Wefax 143.625 Mir LEO FM Voice in Russian 145.81 Oscar Ten Molniya Weak unmodulated carrier 145.825 Dove AO17 LEO 1200 bps FSK at times 145.826 Uosat 11 LEO Digitalk FM PSK 150 + or - 40KHz Navsats LEO Carriers + RTTY 153.42 .48 .62 Russian Military LEO Elint 166.13 Progress LEO Remote control telemetry 204 Russian Military LEO Concurrent with 153MHz sig 230 to 270 Fleetsats GEO usually 50KHz chan spacing 259.7 Space Shuttle LEO Voice FM 296.8 Space Shuttle LEO Voice FM 399 to 400 Navsats LEO Unmodulated carrier 435.795 Fo20 LEO morse telemetry 437.05 Pacsat Ao16 LEO PSK 437.1 Weber Ao18 LEO PSK or pictures 437.125 Lusat Ao19 LEO PSK 466.5 Meteor LEO Telemetry 1227.6 GPS Hi circular Digital 1250 GPS Hi circular Digital Russian 1575.42 GPS Hi circular Digital 1603.5 GPS Hi Circular Digital Russian 1691.01 Metsats GEO Wefax 1694.51 Metsats GEO Wefax 1697.996 NOAA10 LEO Wefax 1698.02 NOAA12 LEO Wefax 1707.01 NOAA11 LEO Wefax 1707.03 NOAA14 LEO Wefax 2048.85 ERS LEO Earth Resource 2211 TDRS GEO Shuttle Relay 2225 ERS LEO Earth Resource 2232.5 TDRS GEO Shuttle Relay 2255.5 Hubble LEO Astronomy