Satgen 378 The Picosat Concept by GM4IHJ 22nd June 96 As mentioned in Satgen377, students at Stanford University in California plan to construct a fleet of 16+ small satellites, each of which will have the capability to transpond 38+ ACSSB or 9+ FM signals , from low earth orbit. This exciting new concept is not without its problems. How will they be overcome ? THE FM SIGNAL. As both Amsat 27 a single channel FM transponder , and Mir/Shuttle SAREX FM voice qsos have demonstrated, you either restrict access to specific stations such as schools or clubs, or , the high powered alligators take over the channel. A situation consequent on the FM Capture principle, whereby when several FM stations all uplink to the satellite, only the strongest signal is heard/transponded. On mode J Ao27 the strongest signal over Europe is an intruding Spanish taxi controller, who denies the channel to anyone else by using high power on the 2m uplink with no concern for the fact that it is a satellite frequency. Picosats are planned to use mode L , which will certainly reduce this problem. However the FM capture problem will remain and it is not clear how it can be dealt with. THE ACSSB SIGNAL. According to the Picosat brief Amplitude Compandored Single side band will be used. Whether "Compandored" is a typo is uncertain, the word is not in any standard dictionary known to this writer. But the further description reveals it to be a variant of the partially suppressed carrier mode of SSB which has been around since the late 1940s, albeit with Picosat having a variation where the pilot carrier is displaced 3.1 Khz from the original carrier. This is a proven method for applying Auto Frequency control techniques which will certainly be necessary in view of Picosats expected 70 Khz range of doppler shift , consequent on its non inverting transponder. Presumably any call for an inverting transponder which would reduce doppler range to about 40 Khz maximum, is negated because it complicates the Tx and Rx circuitry by causing a switch of the sidebands between transmit and receive from say LSB to USB . Despite 70Khz doppler the method used by G3RUH Pacsat modems for AFC tracking of PSK should be applicable to Picosat ACSSB. CHANNELISATION . It is proposed to channelise both the FM and ACSSB modes of the Picosats. Clearly this will be desirable but difficult to implement . Noting that a station about to leave the satellite has a very different notion of Ch 1, from that of a station just joining the sat, who wants to talk to him. Equally difficult will be the problem of switching satellites as stations leave one footprint then enter another whilst stations are in qso. The presence of a CW beacon on each Picosat may be a useful doppler frequency marker in these situations. But it is perhaps timely to ask if Stanford could release circuitry details for the ACSSB, so that would be users can get in some ACSSB practice on existing mode A and J amsats. So, we must go up to mode L with lower bands becoming untenable, and here is a superb proposal from Stanford to start us moving. A proposal which combines real innovation and something for all Radio Amateurs. AMSAT UK Colloquium 96 attendees please note .