Satgen324 In Orbit Pt8 InterPlanetary by GM4IHJ 10 June 1995 It should be clear from previous satgens that the Sun dominates all Solar system orbits ,excepting those very close to particular planets or moons. It follows therefore, that if we want to go from one planet to another , we must expect most of the journey to be controlled by Solar gravity , ie following part at least of an elliptical orbit around the Sun. Planning a flight from Earth to Mars, we find that the economical orbit using least fuel , is of the type described ( long before the first Sputnik flight ), by the German author Dr Walter Hohmann. This HOHMANN orbit is a half ellipse . We start from near the Earth at the perihelion of the orbit, do half an orbit round the Sun, ending out at aphelion, where we meet Mars in its orbit. Unfortunately nature never is this simple. We cannot ignore earth gravity at the start, nor can we ignore Mars gravity at the end. So the practical orbit is less than perfect. We plot a circular parking orbit for the space craft around the Earth at say 1 million kms radius. We plot an accurate orbit of smaller radius around Mars, using only the mass of Mars. The trick comes in joining these two orbits. Once in Earth parking orbit we wait until Mars is in the right start position so that 258 days later it and our spacecraft will arrive together at the aphelion end of a Sun centred orbit, which has started from a rocket firing to lift the spacecraft from earth orbit into a Solar orbit. This situation is untidy because at times our craft is subject to the gravity of two large bodies ( a planet and the Sun), and there is no easy mathematical solution to the "Three body problem" as it is called , where the spacecraft (the 3rd body) is subject to two lots of gravity, as occurs at either end of the orbit. The practical solution is less than perfect as its name " A Patched Conic " reveals. So interplanetary flight is not very precise, and we correct this as the space craft approaches the target planet , by using its onboard target and star sensors/cameras , to accurately locate the craft with respect to the planet, and thereby calculate a suitable thrust level and direction, for a short rocket burn, to put the craft into a safe orbit around the target. This engine firing near the target can be dangerous. Most recently JPL Mars Observer was given a command sequence to open up fuel supplies to its rocket and fire it , only after it had temporarily switched of its electronics, so that no inadvertent spark could ignite a fuel leak. After a successful burn the space craft should have switched its electronics back on and regained radio contact with the Earth control station. Mars Observer never came back on, and a lengthy enquiry has failed to establish the reason for this. So with this sort of procedure being necessary, no one should be surprised that as yet orbit tracking data for this type of flight has not been made available to the general public.