Satgen126 Jupiter's Listening Post by GM4IHJ 26th Aug 91 SARA Satellite Amateur Radio Astronomy was one of the microsats launched by Ariane along with the prime payload Earth Resources Satellite ERS-1 . UO5 was also on the same launch. SARA is a complete change from the normal Amateur radio satellite. It is downlink only and its main job is to keep watch on the natural radio transmissions from the planet Jupiter. It has been known for 35 years that Jupiter has three bands of powerful radio transmissions. 1 to 1000 kHz , 2 to 40 MHz, and 75 to 15000 MHz. The first LF set appear to come from a spot on Jupiter and from the plasma link between Jupiter and its volcanic moon Io. The second and more interesting shortwave emmissions are known to come from the plasma in the magnetic donut torus which Jupiters massive magnetic field throws around the little moon Io. Io's volcanoes are throwing out sulphur oxygen and several other atoms and molecules at a prodigeous rate and this material is magnetically " bottled " by Jupiters magnetic field and then , ionised. So great is the magnetic field and ionisation that the natural gyro frequency of the electrons in this torus can reach 40 MHz and it is very strong at around 20 MHz. Because of the planetary link between Jupiter and Io, and the natural beaming of the signal out into space, the signal burst keep sidereal time appearing roughly 4 minutes earlier each successive day, and it takes about 2 hours for the beam to swing across the earth. So this shortwave activity is not continuous, but if Jupiter is above your horizon and the ionosphere is thin,(say at night),when, the burst reaches earth space , the signal can get down through the ionosphere and be heard on the ground using a quite simple indoor single loop horizontal antenna rigged around the shack ceiling. SARA will with luck hear much more, high above the ionosphere, and provided SARA's orbit stays in sidereal step with Jupiter it should give uninterrupted observation of Jupiter over many months. If however SARA slips out of sidereal synchronism ,the earth will get between it and Jupiter,causing breaks in observation of up to 40 minutes/orbit SARA's downlink has been reported by several observers on 145.955 MHz using 300 baud ASCII 1200/2200Hz. For more information contact ON1KVE @ ON1TRC or, BELAMSAT asbl, Thier des Crichions 2 , B - 4032 CHENEE ,BELGE As G3ZCZ has already pointed out, there may initially have been some confusion as to just which sat was which ,on the Keplerian elements NASA published for this 21575U 91 50 launch of Ariane. Only careful monitoring of SARA in range windows on 145.955 MHz, will clear this up and only then will it be possible to see if SARA has a sidereal synchronous orbit which will last for a few years. 73 de GM4IHJ @ GB7SAN